
20 Leadership Skills Examples for 2024

20 Leadership Skills Examples for 2024
Last Updated: September 23, 2024


The factors of leadership are continually progressing in 2024 owing to various factors, such as global changes in the workforce, changes in technology, and movements in organizational structures. The leaders of today need to step up to the occasion and hone several skills. But what are those skills, and how are they used in a leadership position?

What is an example of Leadership Skills?

Leadership skills can be defined as those skills and characteristics used by an individual to influence, motivate, or direct himself or groups of people in the pursuit of a specified goal. The degree or magnitude of leadership skill may involve making a decision, communicating with others, or integrating people. For instance, emotional intelligence is a leadership skill whereby an individual determines how to utilize a group or team’s emotional climate to enhance workplace relations.

This phenomenon has also been observed in other studies, such as a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology in 2017. In it, the authors argue for the use of emotional intelligence in hybrid workspaces with less physical face time to reduce emotional tasks but still perform relationship maintenance-oriented to those interactions. Those knowledgeable in emotional intelligence tend to prevail in such surroundings, retaining employee involvement.

What are the Abilities to Demonstrate Leadership?


Leadership is an act that encompasses a range of skills that assist in creating confidence, giving guidance, and instilling action. Following are some important skills:

  • Visionary Thinking: Effective leaders can envision the larger picture and craft a compelling future vision. This skill will be essential in 2024 as businesses deal with rapid technological changes, such as automation and AI integration.
  • Communication: Effective leadership requires the capacity to express ideas succinctly and clearly. According to a recent Harvard Business Review survey, 74% of workers rank effective communication as a key leadership quality.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility is critical when negotiating intricate and dynamic corporate contexts. Leaders who can change course swiftly will prosper in the fast-paced global economy of 2024.
  • Empathy: Leaders who are empathetic and able to establish a personal connection with staff members are more productive as diversity and inclusivity grow in importance inside the organization. According to a 2022 study, companies with compassionate CEOs had 50% greater employee retention rates.
  • Decisiveness: To sustain momentum and lead their teams through difficulties, leaders must be able to make prompt and wise decisions, particularly while under duress. Task delegation gives team members more authority and frees up leaders to concentrate on making strategic choices. Effective delegators balance workloads and increase team productivity.
  • Mentoring and Coaching: Leaders who offer guidance and invest in their team members' personal development cultivate a climate of mutual respect and development. Actually, 70% of workers are more likely to stick with an organization that supports career development.

What are the 7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders?

While many traits contribute to effective leadership, research often points to seven fundamental qualities that all great leaders possess. These qualities allow leaders to influence others and foster organizational growth:


An honorable leader is honest and credible and leads by example to encourage others to behave ethics-wise. In a Gallup conducted in 2023, 85% of the respondents claimed that honesty is the utmost desirable trait that meets with their leaders that concerns employees.


Self-aware leaders know their strengths, weaknesses, and emotional triggers. They know how to control themselves and their focus even in brittle situations. Research indicates that self-aware leaders are more effective and create better working environments, which contributes to an increase of 23% in the team's overall performance.


Leaders show resilience since they always manage to recover from disappointments and prevail in leadership roles. Looking at 2024 challenges, such as the persistent effects of the pandemic and economic downturn, resilience has and will always remain relevant in leadership. Hence, they are influenced to lead others by themselves to also lead, even in the face of adversity.


Encouraging people to try is among the vital qualities of a leader. Wise leaders allocate control and allow subordinates to pursue the end so that they may execute it successfully themselves. Employee satisfaction reaches new heights with such energy, efficiency, and originality enacted in the work circumstances of the organizations people engage with such empowerment.


A transparent leader helps create a stable, inclusive environment for team members that enables them to perform their tasks. Team members feel confident in each other, and free communication occurs. According to the insights presented by Deloitte’s study, 68% of employees believe transparency plays a very significant role in their satisfaction with their jobs.


It is essential to make firm, clear decisions. Great leaders gather information, weigh options, and make decisions that propel their organizations forward.


Leadership in 2024 requires innovative thinking. As industries transform through new technologies, leaders who encourage creative problem-solving will maintain a competitive edge.

What Are Your Three Strongest Leadership Skills?

Finding your most effective leadership traits might assist you in concentrating on what makes you a unique leader. These three vital abilities are very valuable in today's leadership jobs and are supported by research:

Emotional Intelligence

An essential leadership skill is emotional intelligence, which enables managers to establish connections with their staff and handle tricky interpersonal situations. Compared to their peers, leaders with high emotional intelligence were shown to be 25% more likely to cultivate high-performing teams, according to a 2023 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.


In the fast-paced world of 2024, flexibility is essential. When needed, leaders must be agile enough to change course and modify their plans to fit evolving conditions. This was made clear during the epidemic, when company continuation was dependent on flexible leadership. According to McKinsey & Company research, adaptable leaders outperformed their colleagues by 35% in organizational outcomes.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is still one of the most important leadership abilities. Communication is essential to making sure that everyone on the team is on the same page regarding the organization's objectives, whether you're leading major in-office operations or managing remote teams. In a recent World Economic Forum research, one of the top five competencies required of leaders in the digital economy is communication.

Leadership continues to evolve, and the trends in 2024 reflect the growing importance of soft skills, diversity, and inclusion in leadership.

Data-Driven Leadership

With the rise of big data and analytics, leaders in 2024 are expected to make decisions grounded in data. A survey by Deloitte showed that data-driven leaders are 75% more likely to achieve financial success than those who rely on intuition alone.

Remote and Hybrid Leadership

The hybrid work model is here to stay. Leaders who can manage remote teams, maintain engagement, and ensure productivity in these settings will excel in 2024. Research from Gartner indicates that 82% of companies plan to allow employees to work remotely some of the time post-pandemic, necessitating strong virtual leadership skills.

Diversity and Inclusion

Organizations are prioritizing diversity and inclusion more than ever before. Leaders who can build diverse teams and create an inclusive culture will be highly valued in 2024. According to McKinsey & Company, businesses with diverse leadership teams are 36% more likely to outperform their competitors in profitability.

Wellness-Oriented Leadership

The focus on employee wellness has taken center stage. Leaders in 2024 will need to emphasize the mental and physical well-being of their teams. Studies from the American Psychological Association show that leaders who prioritize well-being can reduce employee turnover by 30%.


To be a successful leader in 2024, one must possess a combination of more dynamic, modern skills like empathy, adaptability, and data-driven decision-making, together with more traditional qualities like creativity and decision-making. Gaining these leadership abilities will put you in a position to lead successfully in a setting that is changing quickly. Keeping up with the latest findings and developments in leadership will guarantee your continued relevance and enable you to encourage and inspire your teams to achieve greater things.

Take these examples into consideration as you evaluate your own leadership skills, and make an effort to improve and hone them over time. Particularly in today's environment of constant change, leadership is a dynamic process of growth and adaptability rather than a static skill.

Cindy Baker
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