25 Unique Questions to ask interviewers [& 10 Questions to avoid]

25 Unique Questions to ask interviewers [& 10 Questions to avoid]
Last Updated: June 26, 2023

In their interviews, most job seekers ask the same generic questions. By so doing, they are squandering a significant opportunity to impress the employer. It's critical to ask the proper questions during an interview to ensure that both hiring managers and candidates enjoy the greatest experience possible.



Before the interview, applicants should prepare a brief, unique set of questions to convey their interest in the position. Because the opportunity to ask questions frequently occurs near the end of an interview, the questions you ask can significantly impact how your interviewers remember you.


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This post will go over why it's crucial to ask questions during an interview, as well as 10 unique interview questions to ask an employer and interview advice.

Why is it vital to ask questions during an interview?


It's a good idea to ask your interviewer meaningful, pertinent questions. This will assist you in determining whether the position is a good fit for you. It also shows that you are truly interested in the job to the interviewer. If you tell the interviewer you don't have any questions when it's time to ask them, it could be taken as a hint that you didn't prepare or that you're not serious about the job.


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In addition to demonstrating your intelligence and capacity to think independently, asking meaningful and original questions about the company and job makes you a more active participant in the interview.

25 Unique Questions to ask interviewers

  1. What one thing do you hope a new hire will bring to the table?
  2. What does it take to succeed in this environment?
  3. What about my resume piqued your interest in this job?
  4. What are the most important talents and characteristics you're looking for in this position?
  5. In the first 90 days, how would you define success?
  6. What characteristics might make someone unsuitable for this position?
  7. What is the most challenging component of your job?
  8. What would you say is the best way to describe your management style?
  9. What do you hope I'll be able to accomplish in my first year here?
  10. How frequently do you promote people within your company?
  11. What did people do when they left this position in the company?
  12. What will be the first difficulty or challenge that the person you recruit will face?
  13. Do you have a competitive advantage over your market competitors?
  14. Have others in this position failed, and if so, why?
  15. How quickly is the business expanding?
  16. What chances are there for ongoing learning and professional progression once I've mastered the basics here?
  17. What are the most crucial soft skills in this position?
  18. What are the next steps in the interview, and when can I expect a response?
  19. What can I expect in this role on a regular day or week?
  20. Is there a lot of churn in this position?
  21. What are the differences in this organization between good employees and exceptional employees?
  22. What measures or objectives will be used by the organization to assess my job performance?
  23. What are the top three competitors of the company?
  24. What is the company's position on flexible working hours and remote work?
  25. What role does this position play in the company's broader objectives?


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Interview Tips That Will Help You Get a Job

Questions not to ask

  1. When will I be able to take a vacation?
  2. How many hours a week would I be required to work?
  3. Will you go to my Facebook page and see what I'm up to?
  4. How frequently do you issue promotions?
  5. How many warnings do you receive before you're fired?
  6. Do you have any other job openings except this one?
  7. Anything to do with pay or benefits
  8. Is it possible for me to have my own office?
  9. What exactly does this business do?
  10. Is the dress code important to you?


Interview tips that will help you get a job

1.    Pose the most intriguing questions

You should ask meaningful and engaging inquiries. Instead of asking generic questions about the company that you might be able to find answers to on their website, inquire about corporate culture or specifics about the position.


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2.    Before the interview, make a list of your questions.

Before the interview, list about ten questions to ask the hiring manager. They will most likely answer some of these questions during the interview, so you can ask your remaining questions as needed.


3.    Bring a pen and paper with you.

To take notes on the hiring manager's responses to your queries, bring a notepad and pen or pencil to the interview. You'll remember what they said this way, and you'll demonstrate to the interviewer that you genuinely want to learn from them.


4.    Pose open-ended inquiries.

Open-ended questions yield a more detailed response than yes/no ones. Ask meaningful, open-ended questions to elicit a response from the hiring manager.


5.    Be succinct

Your inquiries should be brief and to the point. Ask the question and then take a breath to allow the interviewer to respond or inquire more.


This article was written by Nicholas T. Mushayi, a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants. He can be contacted at nicholas@ipcconsultants.com

Nicholas Mushayi
Super User
This article was written by Nicholas a Super User at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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