Why You Should Be Training Your Employees

Why You Should Be Training Your Employees
Last Updated: December 29, 2022

Several research studies have data that proves employee engagement is more than just liking a job and wanting to do well. These studies provide a more intricate look at why employee engagement is a vital part of your business model. They show the importance of this practice and how its results go beyond just increased productivity: No training program should remain static. As a company grows, its needs and perspectives change based on employee demographics, external trends, and the availability of training tools and programs.


Possessing low self-worth can lead people to have poor moods, fall short of their potential or struggle to manage relationships with colleagues. However, overly high levels of self-worth can lead to an inability to learn from experiences, including, importantly, from failures. In a business sense, managing employee self-worth is a skill in itself. Effective line managers and team leaders use the resources of their organization to strike a balance of productive levels of employee self-confidence.




Benefits of Employee Development

Before employers can make decisions regarding leading, training, personnel and employee investment, they must believe that improving employee self-worth is valuable. This belief can come from a range of sources. Before assessing training costs, managers must address the following questions- Will training and development lead to success, and will it improve individual performance? However, the time and cost of developing training, motivating employees through facilitation and focusing on personal development can create a setback.



Employees may develop low self-worth through reinforced feelings of inadequacy and negative talk or actions. A vicious cycle may occur that can spiral out of control if left unchecked by themselves or others. HR and line managers have the responsibility to ensure that their workforce does not suffer from low self-worth, especially given that their feelings can impact their actions at work. A business filled with people eager to learn and develop is a sure sign that a company hired well or can motivate and develop employees. Achieving this environment is not as easy as it sounds, but this investment in employees can harness the full value of the workforce, promoting loyalty and retention.


Understanding What Motivates Employees

Understanding and motivating employees are the keys to increasing self-worth in the workplace. Training can help employees understand how their work fits into their company’s structure, mission and goals. Employees often become more motivated when they understand how their work matters. However, training on core skills may not be the same as motivational training.


Employees often know as well as or better than managers when their work processes or productivity could be better. In many cases, they are missing the tools or education to achieve their potential. Training, particularly for departments and teams, can improve work quality and outcomes. As a result, employees feel happier in their work, become more excited about the prospect of success and develop higher self-worth.


Several research studies have data that proves employee engagement is more than just liking a job and wanting to do well. These studies provide a more intricate look at why employee engagement is a vital part of your business model. They show the importance of this practice and how its results go beyond just increased productivity:


The Conference Board study of 2006, engaged employees have been known to outperform disengaged employees by nearly 28%.

A Towers Watson survey in 2009 showed that companies with a higher level of employee engagement had a 9% higher shareholder return.

A report from the Center for Creative Leadership conducted in 2009 shows that 80% of employees with a higher level of trust in their management are more committed to the business, compared to the 25% who have a lower degree of trust in management.

The Gallup poll conducted in Germany in 2011 reported that, on average, people more engaged with their job are absent 3.5 fewer days than those who are disengaged.

A study performed in a psychological paper written by J.K. Harter shows that companies with more engaged employees have a 51% higher productivity rate when compared to those with a lower number of engaged employees.


People Are Assets to Be Developed


Training and development opportunities should be seen as an investment in vital human resources. When companies offer training to their employees, they must remember the importance of illustrating the value their people have. Demonstrating succession planning, a commitment to training and development, and a long-term commitment to employee career progression is vital.


Developing employees’ self-worth can promote attachment, loyalty and enthusiasm. It should also make the majority of employees keen to structure their learning and development so that it meets organizational needs. As a result, the organization will develop an ideal atmosphere for learning and growing.


Munodiwa Zvemhara is a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm.

Phone +263 4 481946-48/481950/2900276/2900966 or cell number +263 783168453 or email: munodiwa@ipcconsultants.com or visit our website at www.ipcconsultants.com


Munodiwa Zvemhara
This article was written by Munodiwa a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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