African Countries Ranked By The Quality Of Talent They Possess

African Countries Ranked By The Quality Of Talent They Possess
Last Updated: July 5, 2023

When viewed from the perspective of a nation, talent can be understood as the capacity of its people collectively to generate new ideas, innovate, and find solutions to existing issues. It is common practice to evaluate a country's talent pool based on indicators such as their level of education, the amount of money spent on research and development, and the number of patents registered by the country's citizens. The sum of the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of the people in a country is what determines whether or not that country can compete successfully in the global economy.

INSEAD is doing a wonderful job in this area. They yearly compile a global ranking of all countries in what they refer to as the Global Talent Competitiveness Index. In this particular article, we are focusing on Africa. 

Talent competitiveness refers to policies and practices enabling a country to develop, attract and empower the human capital that contributes to productivity and prosperity.

This ranking is based on the Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2022, an annual report created by INSEAD in partnership with the Adecco Group and Tata Communications. It aims to give governments and businesses the distilled data from 125 countries needed to inform their talent policy and strategy decisions.

The report evaluates countries based on six key pillars: enable, attract, grow, retain, vocational and technical skills, and global knowledge skills. African countries perform relatively better in the vocational and technical skills pillars but lower in the others. 

Assessing Africa's Talent Index


Score: 45.87

Global Rank: 51

Retain: Mauritius scored high in retaining because of its high pension coverage, better lifestyle, personal rights, and sanitation.

Attract: Mauritius has a multilingual workforce fluent in English, French, and Creole, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand into African markets.

It also has a high tolerance for immigrants, financial globalization, high economic empowerment for women and gender parity in high-skilled jobs.

Enable: Mauritius is known for its political stability, which has created a conducive environment for businesses to operate, with a well-established legal system and a strong rule of law.

Mauritius's favorable tax and regulatory environment makes it a hub for financial services and offshore banking. The country also has a well-developed tourism sector, contributing to its economic growth.

In addition, it has a well-developed ICT infrastructure, including high-speed internet and mobile networks, facilitating the growth of the digital economy and making it a hub for ICT services.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Mauritius has a strong education system with high literacy rates and a focus on science and technology.

Global knowledge skills: Mauritius scored lower on global knowledge skills, low scores on scientific journal articles, population with tertiary education, researchers and high-level exports.

Grow: Mauritius scored high on the use of virtual networks because of its high ICT Infrastructure. However, the score of this dimension is low because of low scores in business masters education and university ranking. Universities in Mauritius didn't rank high globally.



Score: 39.88

Global Rank: 70

Retain: Botswana has a high score on retention because of its pension coverage, personal rights, sanitation and high environmental performance.

Attract: Botswana has a high tolerance of minorities and immigrants, gender parity in high-skilled jobs, and leadership opportunities for women. However, there are very few international students in Botswana.

Enable: Botswana has a high enable score due to its stable political climate, well-developed ICT infrastructure, diversified economy, good governance and efficient government institutions. The country has a history of sound fiscal management, a stable exchange rate regime, and a low level of corruption.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Botswana has a large pool of skilled employees, an education system relevant to the economy and high skills matching.

Grow: Botswana has a high delegation of authority and high employee development. However, Botswana's University global ranking and business masters education is very low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Botswana has a high new business density and low scores in researchers, high-value exports and software development.

3. South Africa

Score: 38.77

Global Rank: 77

Attract: South Africa scored high on foreign direct investment regulatory restrictiveness, financial globalization and economic empowerment for women.

Retain: South Africa has high pension coverage, personal rights, and sanitation.

Enable: The country has a well-developed ICT infrastructure, labor rights and urbanization.

Vocational and Technical Skills: South Africa has a high population with secondary training and high skills match. However, it has low relevance of education to the economy.

Grow: South Africa has a skilled and educated workforce and a well-established education system, thus a high employee development. 

Global Knowledge Skills: The country's global knowledge skills is low due to low scores in researchers and scientific journal articles. However, it has a high new business density.

4. Cabo Verde

Score: 38.57

Global Rank: 79

Retain: Cabo Verde has a high score in the retain dimension because of high pension coverage, personal rights and sanitation.

Attract: The country's economic empowerment of women and gender parity in highly skilled jobs is high. It also has high financial globalization and a high tolerance for minorities. 

Enable: The country's political stability, labor rights and low levels of corruption have all played a role in creating a business-friendly environment. However, Cabo Verde's research and development expenditure is very low, reducing its Enable score.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Cabo Verde scored a bit low in this dimension; most of the population have no mid-level skills, and the overall employability is low.

Grow: The country's formal and business masters education scores are very low. Also, the universities in Cabo Verde ranked very low globally.

Global Knowledge skills: Cabo Verde scores poorly in Researchers, High-Value Exports, software developments and scientific journal articles.

5. Egypt

Score: 35.84

Global Rank: 86

Vocational and Technical Skills: The country has a large population with secondary education and high skills matching, and it is also easy to find skilled employees in Egypt. 

Retain: Egypt has high sanitation. However, it has a low physician density, environmental performance and brain retention. 

Attract: The country has a high foreign direct investment regulatory environment and leadership opportunities for women. However, there is low tolerance for immigrants and a low number of international students.

Enable: Egypt has a high relationship of pay to productivity, high labor employer cooperation, a well-developed ICT Infrastructure. Egypt's location at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe has also made it an attractive location for trade and investment, increasing its market dominance. However, it has high corruption, no labor rights and low political stability.

Grow: Egypt scored low in this dimension due to low formal and non-formal studies, inadequate firm training, and low use of virtual professional networks. However, the universities in Egypt ranked a bit higher than most African countries.

Global Knowledge Skills: The low score in Global Knowledge Skills is due to low new business density, low high-value exports, low software development and low population with tertiary education.

Related: Africa’s Average Salaries By Country

6. Namibia

Score: 35.47

Global Rank: 90

Retain: Namibia has high pension coverage and personal rights. However, it has low sanitation and physician density, thus reducing its overall retention score.

Attract: The country has high gender equality and high financial globalization. There is high brain gain and high tolerance for immigrants and minorities. 

Enable: Namibia has a stable and democratic political environment, labor rights, and a high relationship between pay and productivity. However, it has low technology adoption and low research and development expenditure.

Vocational and Technical Skills: The country has a large workforce with secondary education and high skills matching. 

Grow: Namibia has a low university ranking, limited access to growth opportunities, and low formal and non-formal studies.

Global Knowledge Skills: Namibia has very low scores in high-value exports, software development, new business density, scientific journal articles and researchers.

7. Tunisia

Score: 34.64

Global Rank: 91

Retain: Tunisia has high pension coverage, personal rights, safety, and sanitation. 

Enable: The country has high urbanization, more firms with websites and a stable political environment. However, it has low technology adoption in enterprise software and cloud computing.

Attract: Tunisia has a low tolerance for minorities, low brain gain, few international students, and low migrant stock. It also has average financial globalization and foreign direct investment regulatory restrictiveness.

Vocational and Technical Skills: The country's labor productivity per employee and average employability of citizens is low.

Grow: The quality of education in Tunisia is low. It also has low business masters education and use of virtual professional networks.

Global Knowledge Skills: The country has low high-level skills in terms of workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, researchers and digital skills.

8. Gambia

Score: 32.46

Global Rank: 94

Attract: Gambia scored higher in attracting talent than other dimensions with high migrant stock, brain gain, tolerance of minorities and immigrants and gender equality.

Retain: The country has personal rights and safety and high brain retention. However, the physician density and pension coverage is very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: The average employability of skilled employees is high. However, the country has very few technicians and associate professionals.

Grow: The country has a very low tertiary enrolment, low tertiary education expenditure, low university ranking and low business masters education.

Global knowledge skills: Gambia has a low global talent impact regarding innovation outputs, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

9. Ghana

Score: 32.24

Global Rank:95

Attract: Ghana has a high tolerance for minorities and immigrants and high gender equality

Enable: It has high labor rights, professional management and a stable political environment.

Vocational and Technical Skills: The country has high skills matching, and it is easy to find skilled employees. However, there is low productivity per employee and very few technicians and associate professionals.

Retain: Ghana has high personal rights, personal safety and brain retention. However, it has low physician density and pension coverage.

Grow: Ghana has a low tertiary and vocational environment, low-quality education and low life-long learning.

Global Knowledge Skills: Ghana has a low talent impact with low scores in innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. It also has low scores in the population with tertiary education, professionals, researchers and digital skills.

10. Morocco

Score: 29.96

Global Rank: 96

Enable: The country has high ICT infrastructure, urbanization and more firms with websites.

Retain: The country has high sanitation, personal rights and safety. However, it has a low physician density.

Attract: Morocco has a liberated investment regime and gender equality. However, the attract score is low due to low scores in migrant stock, international students and tolerance of minorities.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Morocco has low labor productivity per employee and a low number of technicians and associate professionals. 

Grow: Access to growth opportunities is low. Morocco's global education quality is low. They have low scores in formal education.

Global Knowledge skills: Morocco's talent impact is low. This is due to low scores in high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

11. Kenya

Score: 29.8

Global Rank: 97

Attract: Kenya has low financial globalization and low tolerance for minorities. However, it has a high score in gender equality.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Kenya has a high score in employability due to the high relevance of the education system to the economy, high skills matching and ease of finding skilled employees. However, it has low labor productivity per employee and a low number of technicians and associate professionals.

Enable: Kenya has recently experienced political instability and high corruption. This has affected the enable score of Kenya.

Retain: Kenya has low pension coverage, environmental performance, physician density and sanitation.

Grow: Kenya has high youth inclusion and delegation to authority. However, Kenya's low education quality and lifelong learning scores contributed to its low growth score.

Global Knowledge Skills: Kenya scored low in this dimension due to low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

12. Zambia

Score: 28.6

Global Rank: 102

Attract: Zambia has a high tolerance for immigrants, financial globalization, brain gain, and gender equality. This has contributed to a high attract score.

Vocational and Technical Scores: The country has high skills matching. It is easy to find skilled employees. However, it has few technicians and associate professionals and low labour productivity per employee.

Enable: The enable score is low due to low technology adoption and ICT Infrastructure.

Retain: Zambia has low pension coverage, low physician density and sanitation. This has reduced its retention score.

Grow: Zambia's university ranking and business masters education and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Zambia has low scores on innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

13. Algeria

Score: 28.21

Global Rank: 104

Retain: Algeria has a high score in lifestyle and a low score in sustainability regarding pension coverage, brain retention and environmental performance. 

Enable: Algeria has low scores in technology adoption and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption and low regulatory quality. However, the labour rights and urbanization scores are high.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Algeria has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development and new business density.

Attract: Algeria scored high in gender equality but low in financial globalization, migrant stock, international students, brain gain and tolerance of minorities.

Grow: Algeria's university ranking and business masters education and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Zambia has low scores on innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

14. Rwanda

Score: 27.67

Global Rank: 106

Attract: Rwanda scored high in gender equality, social mobility and brain gain but low in financial globalization, migrant stock, international students and tolerance of minorities.

Enable: Rwanda has low scores in technology adoption and domestic credit to the private sector. .However, the professional management and relationship of pay to productivity scores are high. It also has a stable political environment.

Retain: Rwanda scores highly in brain retention, social protection and sanitation. However, the pension coverage and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Rwanda has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, innovation output, high-value exports, software development and new business density.

Grow: Rwanda's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment scores and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Rwanda has low scores in population with tertiary education, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

15. Senegal

Score: 27.32

Global Rank: 107

Attract: Senegal scored high in gender equality, tolerance of immigrants, financial globalization and brain gain but low in migrant stock and international students.

Enable: Senegal has low scores in technology adoption, domestic credit to the private sector and research and development expenditure. However, the labor rights and relationship of pay to productivity scores are high. It also has a stable political environment.

Retain: Senegal scores highly in personal safety, personal rights and sanitation. However, the pension coverage and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Senegal has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, labor productivity per employee innovation output, high-value exports, software development and new business density.

Grow: Senegal's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment scores, and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Senegal has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, researchers, vocational enrolment, tertiary enrolment, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

16. Nigeria

Score: 26.73

Global Rank: 109

Attract: Nigeria scored high in gender equality, tolerance of immigrants and brain gain but low in migrant stock and tolerance of minorities.

Enable: Nigeria has low scores in technology adoption, domestic credit to the private sector and research and development expenditure. It also has high corruption and low political stability. However, the labor rights and professional management scores are high.

Retain: Nigeria has a high score in personal rights. However, the pension coverage, social protection, and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Nigeria has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, labor productivity per employee.

Grow: Nigeria's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment scores and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Nigeria has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, researchers, vocational enrolment, tertiary enrolment, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

17. Côte d'Ivoire

Score: 26.2

Global Rank: 115

Attract: Cote d Ivoire scored high in gender equality, tolerance of immigrants, migrant stock and brain gain but low in international students and tolerance of minorities.

Enable: Cote d’Ivoire has low scores in technology adoption, domestic credit to the private sector and research and development expenditure. 

Retain: Cote d Ivoire has a high score in personal rights. However, the social protection and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Cote d Ivoire has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, the workforce with secondary education, labour productivity per employee and skills matching.

Grow: Cote d'Ivoire's university ranking, business masters education, and tertiary enrolment scores are low and virtual professional networks. However, it has high youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Cote d’Ivoire has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, researchers, vocational enrolment, tertiary enrolment, innovation output, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

18. Malawi

Score: 25.73

Global Rank: 116

Attract: Malawi scored high in economic empowerment for women and tolerance of minorities but low in migrant stock and financial globalization.

Enable: Malawi has low scores in technology adoption, urbanization, ICT infrastructure and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption and low regulatory quality. However, the labor rights and professional management scores are high.

Retain: Malawi has a high score in personal rights and safety. However, the pension coverage, social protection, and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Malawi has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, labor productivity per employee. However, it is easy to find skilled employees in Malawi.

Grow: Malawi's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment scores, and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Malawi has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

19. Benin

Score: 25.81

Global Rank: 117

Attract: Benin scored high in economic empowerment of women, tolerance of minorities, tolerance of immigrants, social mobility and brain gain but low in migrant stock and financial globalization and gender parity in high-skilled jobs.

Enable: Benin has low scores in technology adoption, urbanization and domestic credit to the private sector. However, the labor rights and professional management scores are high.

Retain: Benin has a high score in personal rights. However, the pension coverage, social protection, social protection, brain retention, environmental performance, sanitation and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Benin has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education. However, it is easy to find skilled employees in Benin.

Grow: Benin's university ranking, business masters education, and tertiary enrolment scores are low and virtual professional networks.

Global Knowledge Skills: Benin has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

20. Tanzania

Score: 25.12

Global Rank: 118

Attract: Tanzania scored high in economic empowerment of women, tolerance of minorities and brain gain but low in migrant stock and financial globalization and gender parity in high-skilled jobs.

Enable: Tanzania has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. However, the labour rights and professional management scores are high.

Retain: Tanzania has a high score in personal rights. However, the pension coverage, social protection, social protection, brain retention, environmental performance, sanitation and physician density scores are very low.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Tanzania has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, the workforce with secondary education, the population with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. However, it is easy to find skilled employees in Tanzania.

Grow: Tanzania's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment scores and virtual professional networks are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Tanzania has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

21. Zimbabwe

Score: 24.5

Global Rank: 119

Attract: Zimbabwe scored high in economic empowerment of women and gender parity in high-skilled jobs but low in international, brain gain, tolerance of minorities and social mobility.

Enable: Zimbabwe has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. In addition, Zimbabwe's political environment is unstable, with high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality. 

Retain: Zimbabwe has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Zimbabwe has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. However, it has high scores in the workforce with secondary education, the relevance of the education system to the economy and high skills matching.

Grow: Zimbabwe's university ranking, business masters education, and tertiary enrolment scores are low, virtual professional networks, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Zimbabwe has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

22. Cameroon

Score: 24.5

Global Rank: 119

Attract: Cameroon scored high in gender parity in high-skilled jobs and tolerance of immigrants but low in international students, migrant stock and financial globalization.

Enable: Cameroon has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. Cameroon's political environment is unstable, with high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality. 

Retain: Cameroon has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Cameroon has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. However, it has high scores in the workforce with secondary education, the relevance of the education system to the economy and high skills matching.

Grow: Cameroon's university ranking, business masters education, and tertiary enrolment scores are low, virtual professional networks, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Cameroon has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

23. Lesotho

Score: 23.88

Global Rank: 120

Attract: Lesotho scored high in intolerance for immigrants, tolerance for minorities, and financial globalization but low in international students, migrant stock and social mobility.

Enable: Lesotho has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, labor-employer cooperation, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. 

Retain: Lesotho has high pension coverage and personal rights. It has, however, low scores in personal safety and physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Lesotho has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, the relevance of the education system to the economy and workforce with secondary education.

Grow: Lesotho's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, virtual professional networks and employee development scores are low.

Global Knowledge Skills: Lesotho has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

24. Uganda

Score: 23.46

Global Rank: 121

Attract: Uganda scored high in gender equality and tolerance for minorities.

Enable: Uganda has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. 

Retain: Uganda has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Uganda has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, a workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Uganda's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Uganda has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

25. Guinea

Score: 22.44

Global Rank: 123

Attract: Guinea scored high in gender equality, tolerance for immigrants, and brain gain.

Enable: Guinea has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption and low regulatory quality.

Retain: Guinea has a low score in retention due to limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Guinea has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labour productivity per employee. 

Grow: Guinea's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Guinea has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

26. Madagascar

Score: 22.26

Global Rank: 124

Attract: Madagascar scored high in gender equality and tolerance for minorities.

Enable: Madagascar has low scores in technology adoption, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality.

Retain: Madagascar has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Madagascar has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, population with secondary education, workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Madagascar's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Madagascar has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

27. Mauritania

Score: 21.43

Global Rank: 125

Attract: Mauritania has low scores in gender equality and international students.

Enable: Mauritania has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector.

Retain: Mauritania has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection and physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Mauritania has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labour productivity per employee. 

Grow: Mauritania's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Mauritania has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

28. Burundi

Score: 20.13

Global Rank: 126

Attract: Burundi has high scores in gender equality.

Enable: Burundi has low scores in technology adoption, urbanization, ICT Infrastructure, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption, low government effectiveness, low regulatory quality and an unstable political environment.

Retain: Burundi has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety and physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Burundi has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labour productivity per employee. 

Grow: Burundi's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Burundi has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

29. Mozambique

Score: 19.65

Global Rank: 127

Attract: Mozambique has high scores in gender equality, financial globalization and tolerance for immigrants.

Enable: Mozambique has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality.

Retain: Mozambique has a low score in physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Mozambique has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labour productivity per employee. 

Grow: Mozambique's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Mozambique has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles.

30. Burkina Faso

Score: 19.57

Global Rank: 128

Attract: Burkina Faso has low scores in international students and leadership opportunities for women.

Enable: Burkina Faso has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. 

Retain: Burkina Faso has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Burkina Faso has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, population with secondary education, workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Burkina Faso's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, and youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Burkina Faso has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

31. Mali

Score: 19.37

Global Rank: 129

Attract: Mauritania has low scores in gender equality and international students.

Enable: Mauritania has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality.

Retain: Mauritania has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, and physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Mauritania has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Mauritania's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Mauritania has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

32. Angola

Score: 19.17

Global Rank: 130

Attract: Angola has low scores in social mobility and tolerance for minorities.

Enable: Angola has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. 

Retain: Angola has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, and physician density.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Angola has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Angola's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Angola has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

33. Ethiopia

Score: 18.55

Global Rank: 131

Attract: Ethiopia has low scores in social mobility, migrant stock and tolerance for minorities.

Enable: Ethiopia has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. 

Retain: Ethiopia has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Ethiopia has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, a workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: Ethiopia's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Ethiopia has low scores in the workforce, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

34. Democratic Republic of Congo

Score: 17.07

Global Rank: 132

Attract: DRC has low scores in gender equality and international students.

Enable: DRC has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also faces challenges in corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality.

Retain: DRC has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: DRC has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labor productivity per employee. 

Grow: DRC's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: DRC has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 

35. Chad

Score: 12.32

Global Rank: 133

Attract: Chad has low scores in gender equality and financial globalization.

Enable: Chad has low scores in technology adoption, professional management, research and development expenditure, and domestic credit to the private sector. It also has high corruption, low government effectiveness and low regulatory quality.

Retain: Chad has a low score in retention due to low pension coverage, limited social protection, low brain retention, low personal safety, physician density and sanitation.

Vocational and Technical Skills: Chad has low scores in Technicians and associate professionals, a population with secondary education, the workforce with secondary education and labour productivity per employee. 

Grow: Chad's university ranking, business masters education, tertiary enrolment, and virtual professional networks scores are low, as well as youth inclusion.

Global Knowledge Skills: Chad has low scores in the workforce with tertiary education, population with tertiary education, professionals, innovation output, high-value exports, software development, new business density and scientific journal articles. 


Generally, African countries have very low scores in the global knowledge skills dimension. 

Logical Zivurawa
Logical Zivurawa is a Business Analytics Consultant with expertise in data analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling. Proficient in Python, SAS, Power BI, and SQL, Logical develops analytics solutions that drive data-driven decision-making and enhance profitability. With a strong understanding of business processes and client engagement, Logical effectively advances analytics strategies. Holding a BCom in Actuarial Science and an MSc in Big Data Analytics, Logical is passionate about continuous learning and staying updated on the latest advancements in data science and machine learning. Logical also writes articles on analytics topics, sharing insights and expertise. This commitment to rigorous analysis and effective communication makes Logical an invaluable asset in promoting data-driven decision-making within any organization.

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