Coca-Cola Scholarships

Coca-Cola Scholarships
Last Updated: August 18, 2023

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is among the most prestigious and sought-after scholarship programs in the United States. Established in 1986 by The Coca-Cola Company, this program aims to recognize and reward exceptional high school seniors who demonstrate outstanding leadership, academic excellence, and a commitment to positively impacting their communities.

With a mission to empower young leaders and support their educational pursuits, the Coca-Cola Scholars Program provides financial assistance to students who have excelled academically and shown dedication to community service and leadership development. Through this program, Coca-Cola invests in the future of these young individuals, helping them achieve their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Program selects a diverse group of 150 high school seniors from across the country as Coca-Cola Scholars. These scholars receive a generous scholarship award that can be used towards their undergraduate studies at any accredited college or university in the United States.

Beyond financial support, being named a Coca-Cola Scholar opens doors to a vibrant network of alumni making significant contributions in various fields. Scholars also gain access to exclusive opportunities for personal and professional development, mentorship programs, and leadership summits.

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What is the Coca-Cola Scholarship?

According to Coca-Cola, the Coca-Cola scholarship is a $20,000 achievement-based scholarship awarded to 150 exceptional high school seniors. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is a prestigious scholarship that strongly emphasizes leadership and service. It goes beyond recognizing students solely for their academic achievements and celebrates their dedication to effecting positive change within their schools and communities. With a stringent selection process, the Coca-Cola scholarship holds an eminent status among high school students, attracting the best and brightest. Those fortunate enough to be named Coca-Cola Scholars are privileged to join an exclusive and influential alumni network.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is renowned for its emphasis on leadership and service, making it highly esteemed among high school students. It recognizes academic excellence and celebrates students' dedication to creating positive change.

According to an article titled "How to Win the Coca-Cola Scholarship” by Rohan Krishnan, earning a place among the top-tier institutions of higher learning, Coke scholars find their academic journeys leading them to renowned universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Yale, and Princeton.

Coca-Cola continues to mention that since its inception with the 35th class in 2023, the Foundation has bestowed over 6,750 gifted individuals with the prestigious title of Coca-Cola Scholars, delivering a remarkable $81 million in invaluable educational support. Each year, a select group of exceptional students is honored to receive the esteemed $20,000 scholarship, reinforcing the Foundation's commitment to empowering the leaders of tomorrow through education.

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Types of Coca-Cola Scholarships


According to Coca-Cola, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation extends its support to a distinguished cohort of over 1,400 exceptional college students annually. Through its esteemed programs, the Foundation awards an impressive total of $3.55 million in annual scholarships, earning nationwide recognition for its commitment to empowering the brightest minds on their educational journeys. Now, let us delve into a selection of the scholarship programs offered by Coca-Cola:

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

This is the flagship scholarship program offered by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. This highly competitive scholarship recognizes and rewards high school seniors who demonstrate leadership, academic excellence, and a commitment to community service. Each year, the program awards 150 scholarships worth $20,000 each.

Out of 91,000+ applicants nationwide (USA), only 150 students, or less than 1/6th of 1%, are chosen for this competitive award. These scholars are academic achievers and catalysts for change, positively influencing their surroundings.

As per a blog post titled "Our 2023 Coke Scholars”, winners of the Coca-Cola Scholarship are invited to an esteemed Coca-Cola Scholars weekend, which includes the annual Coca-Cola Scholars Banquet and the transformative Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Development Institute, facilitated by program alumni.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is a remarkable collaboration between Coca-Cola bottlers across the United States and The Coca-Cola Company. It stands as one of the largest corporate-sponsored scholarship programs in the country, recognizing and supporting outstanding achievements. Since its inception, the program has empowered over 6,750 talented individuals as Coke Scholars nationwide (USA). As the 2023 class joins this prestigious program, its legacy of fostering excellence and providing opportunities continues to flourish.

Selected students receive college scholarships and become part of an ever-growing and vibrant Coca-Cola Scholars family. This community fosters a powerful force for positive change, where networking, collaborations, and friendships merge to make a greater collective impact. Remarkable initiatives like The SIP podcast and a coaching program for first-year Scholars transitioning to college exemplify the dedication to meaningful growth.

Moreover, alumni reunite every 5 years at the prestigious Coca-Cola Scholars Leadership Summit, further fortifying the bonds and impact of this exceptional community.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be:

  • Current high school (or home-schooled) student enrolled in a school in the United States
  • US Citizens, US Nationals, US Permanent Residents, Refugees, Asylees, Cuban-Haitian Entrants, or Humanitarian Parolees who meet the US Department of Education's standards for Federal Financial Aid eligibility.
  • Expecting to graduate from high school within the current academic year.
  • Intention to seek a degree at a recognized post-secondary school in the United States.
  • Having at least a B/3.0 GPA in the high school curriculum.

Applicants may not be:

  • Those related to the company, such as Children or grandchildren of employees working current Coca-Cola bottling company or its subsidiaries.
  • Children or grandchildren of former employees now receiving retirement benefits from Coca-Cola bottling businesses, The Coca-Cola Company, Company divisions, or subsidiaries.
  • International students (excluding those attending Department of Defense schools).
  • High school graduates.
  • Visitors on a temporary basis (Temporary residents).

Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise

The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise program is a scholarship initiative offered by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for two-year colleges. This program aims to recognize and support outstanding community college students who demonstrate leadership potential, academic excellence, and a commitment to positively impacting their communities.

The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise scholarship is awarded to PTK members enrolled in community college associate degree programs. The scholarship offers financial support to students, helping them alleviate the burden of educational expenses such as tuition fees, textbooks, and supplies.

As indicated by Coca-Cola, Introducing the Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise, Phi Theta Kappa's inaugural scholarship program is designed exclusively for its esteemed members enrolled in community colleges, recognizing their leadership, service, and academic excellence. This pioneering initiative offers 200 scholarships worth $1,000 each for use during enrolment. Eligible members can apply for these prestigious scholarships by submitting their applications. For application details, visit


To be eligible for the Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise scholarship, students must meet certain criteria set by PTK. These criteria typically include maintaining a minimum GPA, completing a certain number of credit hours, and actively participating in PTK activities and community service.

The selection process for the scholarship involves a competitive application review. Applicants are assessed on various criteria, including their academic accomplishments, leadership abilities, participation in PTK and campus activities, and dedication to community service.

Recipients of the Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise scholarship receive a monetary award ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. In addition to the financial support, recipients also access resources and opportunities PTK and Coca-Cola provide, such as leadership development programs, networking events, and mentorship opportunities.

The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team

The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team is a prestigious program that recognizes and rewards outstanding community college students for their academic achievements, leadership skills, and community involvement. This program is sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation and administered by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for two-year colleges.

The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team program aims to recognize and assist outstanding community college students with remarkable academic achievements and a strong dedication to making a positive difference in their communities. The program provides these students with various benefits, including scholarships, networking opportunities, and exclusive resources. To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled in a community college that has a Phi Theta Kappa chapter. They must also have completed at least 36 semester hours of coursework and hold a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must demonstrate leadership skills and involvement in campus activities or community service.

Each year, a select number of students are chosen as Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Scholars. These scholars receive scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to support their educational expenses at four-year colleges or universities.

As per Coca-Cola's commitment, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation takes great pride in supporting two-year colleges through the Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Program, expertly administered by Phi Theta Kappa.

This distinguished program bestows 200 stipends, totalling up to $237,500 annually, distributed across four tiers of recipients, each receiving varying amounts:

  • 50 New Century Gold Scholars are honored with $1,500 awards.
  • 50 Silver Scholars are recognized with $1,250 awards.
  • 50 Bronze Scholars are esteemed with $1,000 awards.

For further application details, kindly visit

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Coca-cola scholarship

How to Win the Coca-Cola Scholarships

According to an article titled “"How to Win the Coca-Cola Scholarship”"by Rohan Krishnan; in 2023, the Coca-Cola scholarship experienced a staggering influx of approximately 91,000 applicants. This substantial number is narrowed down to 2,000 semi-finalists through a rigorous selection process. The pool is further reduced to 250 regional finalists following a comprehensive secondary application phase. Finally, after a thorough interview, only 150 outstanding individuals were bestowed with the esteemed title of Coke scholars in March.

Notably, in the 2023 cycle, less than 1/6 of 1% of applicants were ultimately chosen for this highly sought-after award. Aspiring candidates must employ strategic approaches to maximize their chances of securing this prestigious but fiercely competitive scholarship, as shared by a 2020 Coke Scholar:

  1. Thoroughly complete your application, highlighting all relevant activities, honors, and awards. Prioritize your most meaningful activities to showcase your interests effectively.
  2. Emphasize leadership and initiative in your listed activities, illustrating your dedication to community service and impactful contributions.
  3. For semi-finalists, provide detailed statements of impact and essays that reflect your genuine interests and personal characteristics. Choose a recommender who can attest to your qualities beyond academic achievements.
  4. As a regional finalist, practice for the interview (roughly 20 minutes) with sample questions. Familiarize yourself with your application details to confidently respond to specific inquiries. Remember that the process can be subjective, so be proud of your achievements and confidently approach the interview.

By implementing these tips, aspiring candidates can increase their chances of securing the prestigious Coca-Cola Scholarship and becoming part of a remarkable community of leaders and change-makers. Good luck on your journey!

More Tips on Winning the Coca-Cola Scholarships

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation is renowned for its generous scholarships awarded to exceptional high school seniors who exhibit leadership qualities, academic excellence, and a strong commitment to positively impacting. With thousands of applicants vying for these prestigious scholarships each year, standing out from the crowd is essential. If you're an aspiring scholar looking to win the Coca-Cola Scholarship, here are some tips to help you on your journey:

  1. Start Early and Plan Ahead: Winning the Coca-Cola Scholarship requires careful planning and preparation. Begin your scholarship journey early by researching the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and requirements. Create a timeline that outlines key milestones and tasks to stay organized throughout the process.
  2. Focus on Academic Excellence: The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation values academic achievement. Maintain a strong GPA and challenge yourself with rigorous coursework. Take advantage of honors or advanced placement classes whenever possible. Your academic performance will be crucial in demonstrating your commitment to excellence.
  3. Demonstrate Leadership: Leadership is a key criterion for the Coca-Cola Scholarship. Engage in extracurricular activities that allow you to showcase your leadership skills. Take on leadership roles in clubs, organizations, or community initiatives. Additionally, consider starting your project or initiative that addresses a social issue you are passionate about.
  4. Make an Impact in Your Community: The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation seeks individuals dedicated to positively impacting their communities. Get involved in community service projects that align with your interests and values. Volunteer regularly and take the initiative to create meaningful change.
  5. Craft an Authentic Personal Statement: Share your unique story with the scholarship committee. Be authentic and genuine in your writing. Highlight your accomplishments, the challenges you've overcome, and how you plan to make a difference. Use good examples to illustrate your points and make your essay memorable.
  6. Seek Strong Letters of Recommendation: Letters of recommendation provide valuable insight into your character, abilities, and potential. Choose people who know you well and can speak to your strengths. Please provide them with specific information about your achievements and goals to help them write compelling letters on your behalf.
  7. Pay Attention to Detail: Follow the instructions and requirements when completing the application. Please make sure to diligently and accurately complete all sections, ensuring that each one is filled out thoroughly and with attention to detail." How would you rate this conversation? Proofread your submissions and application materials multiple times to eliminate errors or typos.
  8. Practice for the Interview: If you advance to the interview stage, being well-prepared is crucial. Get time to search for common interview questions and practice your responses. Consider conducting mock interviews with teachers, mentors, or friends to gain confidence and refine your answers.
  9. Stay Positive and Persevere: Winning the Coca-Cola Scholarship is highly competitive, and rejection is possible. However, don't let setbacks discourage you. Stay positive, learn from each experience, and use it as motivation to improve for future opportunities.

Impact and Success Stories of the Coca-Cola Scholarships

According to Coca-Cola, the Coca-Cola Scholarship Program's impact is evident through inspiring testimonials from past scholars like Pegah Taylor (Class of 2003) – now a successful Managing Director of Leadership Development KIPP Texas Public Schools, credits the Coca-Cola Scholarship for providing her with the financial support needed to pursue her dream of making a positive impact on the world through education.

Star Wallin (Class of 2002) – CEO and Founder of Bell Creek Consulting, a boutique management consulting firm that serves governments, non-profits, foundations, and social-purpose private enterprises; shares how the Coca-Cola Scholarship transformed her life. With access to quality education, she excelled academically and established Bell Creek Consulting. Star's story is a testament to how investing in talented individuals can create a ripple effect of positive change. Recipients' lives have been transformed, excelling academically, showcasing leadership in various fields, and making significant social contributions.

Moreover, former Coca-Cola Scholars have become educators, innovators in sustainability, and pioneers in scientific research, leaving a lasting impact on society. Their achievements inspire new generations of leaders, creating a ripple effect of ambition and service.

Criticisms and Challenges of the Coca-Cola Scholarships

According to Coca-cola, in pursuit of excellence and inclusivity, Coca-Cola is actively addressing criticisms and enhancing the scholarship program to provide equal opportunities. Measures include expanding outreach to underrepresented communities, recognizing regional disparities, fostering diversity through collaborations, and engaging with underrepresented schools. Valuable feedback from students and educators drives the program's ongoing refinement, empowering young talents from diverse backgrounds. Coca-Cola's commitment to inclusivity ensures a transformative and accessible scholarship program for all aspiring scholars.


Coca-Cola Scholars Alumni Network

According to Coca-Cola, the Coca-Cola Scholars Alumni Network, an interconnected community of former scholarship recipients, showcases the enduring impact of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. Centred on leadership, service, and collaboration, this network fosters lifelong connections among members committed to making a meaningful difference.

Empowering former scholars, the Alumni Network offers valuable resources for professional growth through mentorship programs and career advancement workshops, enabling them to excel in their fields and create positive impacts. Additionally, the network encourages giving back through collaborations with local organizations, channelling talents towards meaningful social initiatives.

Playing a crucial role in nurturing leadership qualities, the Alumni Network provides opportunities for driving change and leading with purpose.

The success stories of former scholars exemplify the network's impact, with alumni establishing ventures addressing social and environmental challenges and leading organizations dedicated to education, health, environmental conservation, and social justice.

Beyond individual achievements, the Coca-Cola Scholars Alumni Network fosters a collective force for good, inspiring positive change and inclusivity. As it grows, the network's potential to transform communities and inspire purposeful leadership increases, contributing to a brighter future for all. The Alumni Network is a profound testament to nurturing future leaders and fostering a legacy of positive change.



At the heart of the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation lies a profound commitment to empowering students on their quest for perpetual growth and their unwavering dedication to effecting optimistic transformations globally. Though highly competitive, with the right knowledge and credentials, you can present yourself effectively and increase your chances of winning this prestigious scholarship. Best of luck with your applications!

Richard Mapfuise is an Organizational Development Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a business management and human resources consulting firm.


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Richard Mapfuise
This article was written by Richard a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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