Employee engagement strategies

Employee engagement strategies
Last Updated: July 3, 2022

Employee engagement is the power of the intellectual and emotional connection employees experience closer to their work, teams, and organization. An engaged employee is pushed to assist their employer. They believe in the company and may work to ensure that the company succeeds. It is essential to notice that employee engagement isnt the same as employee satisfaction. A satisfied employee will not always dedicate more effort and time to the organizations success; alternatively, they may carry out their process properly without expending extra effort.

Employee engagement strategies

If you are an employer and want to improve employee engagement, here are some employee engagement strategies that have worked in the real world for top firms.


1. Conduct an employee engagement survey


Before you can concentrate on improving employee engagement, you must first establish a baseline. An employee engagement survey can help with this. An employee engagement survey should include questions about employees daily experiences, how they interact with management, and the companys overarching objective. Employees must be allowed to react anonymously to provide honest feedback. Youll be able to pinpoint the areas where you need the most significant improvement once youve prepared and examined the findings of your employee engagement survey.


2. To keep staff engaged, offer incentives and privileges

Please take into account your offices amenities, as well as what your employees want and desire during their working hours. You dont want employees to come to work and accomplish the bare minimum every day; you want them to go above and beyond. Employee benefits, including wellness checks, education programs, and gym discounts, will make them feel like you care about their professional and personal success. Their 9-to-5 will be more enjoyable if they have good coffee, plenty of snacks, and even the option of permitting pets on the premises.


3. Emphasis on diversity and inclusion

Your team will perform better if it is varied in terms of age, gender, race, and ethnicity. According to Gartner Research, diverse teams performance improved by 12%, and their intent to stay at a position improved by the same amount. Furthermore, having a diverse team with a variety of backgrounds and experiences reduces groupthink. However, having a diverse workforce isnt enough; every employee must feel that their contributions are equally recognized.


4. Employees should be acknowledged for a job well done

Employees should not simply hear about their positive contributions to the organization during their annual evaluation. Employees need to be recognized in real-time for their accomplishments. Public recognition, as well as directly communicating praise to an employee, is a significant motivation. Highlighting an employees achievements in a corporate newsletter or team email will make them feel appreciated and urge others to work hard for the same credit.


5. Rethink the layout of your office

In an office context, various design considerations can make or break employee engagement. Employees can choose the atmosphere that best matches the task theyre attempting to do in modern, bright workspaces with plenty of space for open collaboration, closed-door meetings, and private communications. Consider a renovation or office relocation if your office environment is dreary and unproductive. Giving your workspace a facelift or selecting a location that fosters collaboration and inspiration will help you keep your employees happy. Keeping employees engaged entails making them feel like they are valuable members of a community, not just a firm. The more meaningful interactions and tasks your employees have in an environment that supports creativity, inspiration, and collaboration, the more committed they will be to your companys mission and long-term success.


6. Create a committee to oversee employee engagement

Giving your employees a part in employee engagement gives them a chance to learn from people in the trenches every day. An employee engagement committee made up of enthusiastic, high-performing employees from all levels of your company can assist you in developing measures to boost employee happiness. A committee of employee engagement should have no more than eight to ten members. Its a good idea to ask for volunteers first when deciding who will serve on the committee.


Do some focused outreach if you dont get enough folks to join in the initial wave. You want employees who are dedicated to their jobs, enthusiastic about their work, and well-liked by their co-workers. The committees goal is to come up with solutions to the challenges raised in the employee engagement survey by talking with co-workers and each other about what is needed to establish a workplace where everyone feels appreciated. The committee then shares the solutions with management and oversees the implementation of the adjustments.


7. Improve engagement by achieving a better work-life balance

Maintaining work-life balance aids employees in reducing stress and avoiding burnout, two leading causes of workplace disengagement. Flexibility is the best method to assist individuals in striking a balance between their personal and professional lives. Allowing employees to work from home and providing paid parental and caregiver leave are all strategies to assist employees balance work and life obligations without becoming stressed. Employers must pay for flexibility, just as they must pay for replacing unsatisfied employees.


Benefits of employee engagement

Employee engagement has numerous advantages, which is why company decision-makers, such as HR personnel and team leaders, should make it a standard practice.


1. Employee safety

Employers may increase employee safety by building an emotional and mental connection with their employees through employee engagement. Employees that are engaged are more likely to be linked to their work, making them more aware of their surroundings. According to research, highly engaged organizations had 70 percent fewer safety accidents than disengaged ones. Employee safety should be a top focus for HR managers, as satisfied employees are more likely to feel safe.


2. Lower Absenteeism

Absenteeism at a high level might prohibit a company from realizing its full potential. Employees who are present in their jobs fulfil deadlines and execute projects efficiently. Employees who are engaged in their work are more likely to be dedicated to it. This implies theyll be more committed to their work and less inclined to disappear without first alerting their co-workers. Employee engagement surveys ensure that employees are fully committed to the organizations goal and vision.


3. Low staff turnover

Employees leave organizations primarily because they believe their strengths are not being properly utilized, they are not being pushed, or they do not enjoy working there. These are all indicators of a low level of engagement. Employers must conduct employee engagement surveys to discover if an employee is likely to quit the company early on to avoid high turnover. Survey results enable businesses to make the best decisions for their employees, ensuring they are engaged and do not look for work elsewhere.


4. Happy Employees

Organizations cant tell if their employees are satisfied at work until they do employee engagement surveys. Employee engagement surveys should be undertaken regularly to keep things in control. They provide insight into an employees emotional needs, which managers should not overlook. Employees are people with emotional needs. Employers can save money by having happier staff.


5. Identify Knowledge Gaps Among Employees

Employee engagement surveys enable businesses to identify knowledge gaps among their workforce. This empowers the company to close knowledge gaps. Because knowledge gaps can result in costly inconveniences, HR managers must make employee participation in engagement surveys mandatory. There will be no opportunity for inefficiencies connected to such gaps if general staff knowledge deficiencies are identified and addressed via training. Furthermore, the gap between what people know and what they need to know could result from a larger and more serious problem within the company. Assessment of skill gaps has risen to the top of the talent development priority list.



Employers from a variety of industries are taking an interest in employee engagement. Employers desire to find ways to enhance employee motivation and win more devotion to the job. It is new in some ways because the setting in which engagement is sought is different. Given the status of worldwide competition and the lifting of the bar on efficiency requirements, one facet of this distinction is the higher penalty to be paid if workers are less engaged than competitors employees. A key element is that the definition of work and the regulations that govern employment relationships have evolved, leaving an open space in terms of the nature of the relationship between work and organization that employers believe may be filled with more advanced methods. The above strategies can assist you in keeping your employees motivated and encouraging them to offer their all.


Nolwazi Mlala is a Business Analytics Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm.

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Nolwazi Mlala
This article was written by Nolwazi a Guest at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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