Employee expectations and how to manage them

Employee expectations and how to manage them
Last Updated: January 17, 2023

Setting performance and conduct goals for employees is one of the most critical interactions a boss can have with them. This dialogue will clarify what is expected of an employee in their role and lay the groundwork for their success. 


While its ideal to set expectations before an employee starts working in their new job, expectations can be set and addressed at any time. Additionally, if a supervisor supervises more than one employee, general office standards may be generated and circulated to all employees. This would ensure that all workers have the same goals, making it easier for the boss to handle. When you meet to discuss these requirements, it is recommended that you write them down, print them out, and send a paper copy to an employee.

At some point in their careers, most workers would find themselves working on a team. Person expectations are similar to team expectations, except that team expectations should be something that every team member is responsible for while still keeping others accountable.


Team expectations and team goals are not the same things. Goals are usually tasks that must be completed, while team goals are the actions that must be shown as the team completes certain tasks. Unfortunately, as a result of the drive for quick gratification and a consumer-centric marketplace in retail and e-commerce, employee standards have become unreasonable in the workplace. Employee standards, on the other hand, can be handled.


Ways of setting Employee Expectations


Define the Role of Each Employee

You should be frank and truthful with the employee about the tasks and challenges of their work from the first interview to their first day on the job. Discuss the physical and/or mental pressures, the job environment, and any possible stressors that they should be aware of in great detail.


Tell the employee precisely what you expect from them, and then repeat these expectations several times during the onboarding and orientation period. You should also have these meetings when an employee starts a new job, whether its a promotion or a lateral transfer, to set goals for the new hire.


Encourage the employee to ask any questions he or she may have. You may have skipped over a subject that is specific to that employees job, which could lead to possible misunderstandings. Above all, keep in mind that the employee might not yet realize what they don't know.


Create Supervisor-Subordinate Boundaries

You should be polite but not their friend if you want to be a successful workplace leader. You dont want to set a pattern of you vs them, but you do need to build a partnership with the employee and establish clear boundaries.


Fairness and responsibility are at the heart of the matter. Employees who see you as a colleague rather than a boss are more likely to ask questions beyond what is fair and to feel as though they should be more demanding. Its a lot harder to say no to an invitation from someone with whom you sing karaoke every Wednesday.


Connect Employees with the Company Culture

Employees must understand their role in company operations to effectively set and maintain employee standards in the workplace. Show them the company's mission statement, but also clarify why it matters to you and your team. Discuss the business culture in detail, with a focus on the employees unique position within the company as a whole and the team in particular, as well as how the employee expectations fit into the company's overall task.


Create opportunities for the recruit to become acclimated to the company culture and form bonds with their co-workers both within and outside of the workplace. Schedule a team outing, for example, during the first week or two of the employees arrival. This will assist the employee in gaining a greater understanding of the teams dynamics and how they can fit in.


Remind them that this is an off-the-clock operation. Although they must bear in mind that they are out with co-workers, they need not feel obligated to remain in work mode and limit their conversation to work-related topics.


Provide Employee Flexibility

According to a 2016 survey conducted by FlexJobs, 87 percent of professionals agree that getting a flexible career will reduce their stress. Also, according to a report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), providing flexible job conditions improved employee retention by 89 percent. However, versatility entails more than just providing a shorter workweek, remote job opportunities, or the opportunity to customize a work schedule. It entails creating an atmosphere in which workers have access to the resources and technology they need to achieve office fluidity.


One disadvantage of a smart digital workplaces increased sense of autonomy is that it can affect the productivity of workers who are less disciplined than others. Assist new team members in understanding that more flexibility does not imply a reduction in obligation.


Your ability to prioritize requests and respond appropriately will save you from being seen as inflexible or, on the other hand, a pushover. Equally significant, you can demonstrate your appreciation for your employees by taking action, which will improve employee retention and productivity.



Nyasha D Ziwewe is a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm. Phone +263 4 481946-48/481950 or email: nyasha@ipcconsultants.com or visit our website at www.ipcconsultants.com 

Nyasha Ziwewe
This article was written by Nyasha a Guest at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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