Factors to consider when deciding a career path

Factors to consider when deciding a career path
Last Updated: July 3, 2022

There are many influences of career paths in life such as passion, availability and ease of advance. Here are some questions you need to answer when you have a list of possible career paths you can take.


Career, Salary and Education Information

 What They Do: You need to have a look on the possible job titles on what they do and determine if you don’t have any problem with doing that as well. A broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.


Work Environment: There is much need for environmental analysis in general terms.  Some work environments may not be suitable to certain people for example if you are asthmatic it will be suicide to work in a dusty environment.

Work schedules: a work schedule generally refers to the days per week and the hours per day that an employee is expected to be at their job. There are several different types of work schedules, which vary based on the organization and the position. Your schedule can also vary based on the time of year. For example, some jobs have work schedules that change, depending on the season.

 How to Become One: Individuals need to research on the requirements for one to be at a certain level. It’s not about reaching the destination but also enjoying the journey. The time it takes is also important. Apart from education, there are some additional requirements which you need to take note of such as licenses, certifications and registrations. Additional periodical trainings may be required in some fields.

Important Qualities: You must know yourself first before choosing a career path. Different careers require different soft skills so you need to determine if your strengths are aligned to the requirements. The skills may include but not limited to analytical skills, communication skills, computer skills, detail oriented and managerial skills.

Annual Compensation: Salary is one of the most important aspects to look at. The majority works to make more money or at least survive. You have to look at the average gross annual salary and compare with other options. A broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a job along with the job's title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.

 Job Outlook: The likelihood of change in the field such as redundancy of the skills due to technological changes and emerging jobs. A job outlook is a forecast of how many jobs there are likely to be in a specific industry and how quickly that number is changing. An individual can consult a job outlook in order to help plan the future of his career.

 Related Careers: Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of the job role with similar occupations.


Nyasha D Ziwewe is a Business Consultant and Systems developer at Industrial Psychology Consultants. Email: nyasha@ipcconsultants.com. Mobile 0783462251. LinkedIn: Nyasha D Ziwewe.


Nyasha Ziwewe
This article was written by Nyasha a Guest at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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