Human resource functions

Human resource functions
Last Updated: July 1, 2022

Human resources management is frequently thought of as the department in charge of recruiting and dismissing staff. However, a deeper look into HR management reveals that this field offers much more. Human Resource Management, according to Michael Beers Harvard Model of Human Resource Management, is a strategic approach to the employment, growth, and well-being of individuals working in a company.


The critical function of human resources management includes recruitment, selection,  compliance, industrial relations salary and benefits, and organizational training and development. Ultimately, managers must focus on making the most of the human resources at the organizations disposal and enhancing the performance of employees to achieve the organizations objectives.

In this article, I will look at the functions of human resources in more detail.


Compliance and Labour Legislation

Labour law refers to the body of legislation that governs employment, remuneration, conditions of service, and industrial relations (Britannica 2021). The tripartite connection between employee, employer, and union is the subject of labour law. Except for the armed forces and public servants, all employees in Zimbabwe are protected under the Labour Act.


To effectively defend employees rights, HR managers must possess a solid understanding of the applicable employment legislation. According to Hyde (2020), all HR professionals should be conversant with many main legal topics to assist their workers and employers best.


Functions of Human Resources Management & Planning


It is easy to understand the importance of human resource planning. According to a survey done by Lucidchart (2021), 71% of CEOs feel that their workers are the essential component in their companys success. Human resource management planning refers to matching the present workforce and skills with the companys vision and desired level of performance (Azmi 2021).


Despite the importance of human resources planning for business success, many organizations lack a strategic human resource planning process, with over a third of HR professionals claiming that their departments need to enhance strategic alignment (Lucidchart 2021). According to Goddard (2020), human resources planning allows businesses to meet their current and future talent demands by allowing human resource managers to anticipate and develop the skills that are most valuable to the company, as well as providing the company with the best balance of staff in terms of available skill sets and personnel numbers.


Recruitment & Selection

The process of attracting competent individuals for a job post is known as recruitment, whereas finding and choosing the best applicant for that job is known as selection (Categorizado 2021). The HR manager must understand how to properly conduct the recruiting and selection process to retain top personnel and develop a strong and consistent team.


Effective recruiting and selection meet job needs and guarantee that an organizations commitment to giving equal opportunity to all employees is upheld. (Erin 2021). To minimize increasing turnover, recruitment and selection procedures must be implemented precisely.


Performance Management

Performance management is a corporate management technique that assists in monitoring and appraising the performance of workers. Clarifying expectations, defining objectives, establishing targets, offering feedback, and assessing results are all part of the performance management process (Berkeley 2021).


The main objective of performance management is to create an atmosphere in which individuals can perform to their full potential to deliver the highest-quality work most efficiently and effectively possible (Tardi & Kindness 2021). Continuous performance management enables managers to keep track of their progress toward their objectives and personal development and make informed decisions on additional compensation, such as salary raises or bonuses.

  • Eighty-three percent of employees who work in an environment with good remuneration and recognition structures are happy in their jobs.
  • If they believe their job is valued and appreciated, 69 percent of workers will work more.
  • Businesses with effective compensation structures see an increase in employee engagement of nearly 50%.


Training and Development

Talent development is critical for long-term corporate success and growth. Employee training refers to programs that allow employees to learn certain skills or obtain information to improve their job performance (Getsmarter 2021). Employee development is a collaborative effort between the management and the employee to design a development plan. Development and training do not always fill a gap but rather improve skills and adapt to emerging technology. It is a critical component of human resource functions.


Career Development and Succession Planning

Succession planning is a target effort to track an existing employees capacity development so that they can be promoted within the company. All organizations can benefit from the principles of identifying crucial job skills, knowledge, social relationships, and organizational practices and passing them on to prepare the next generation of workers, thereby ensuring the seamless movement of talent within the organization.


It is a function of the Human resources department to identify talent and strive to improve their career paths. Employees that are confident in the companys work environment are unlikely to leave (Azmi 2021).


Employee Rewards and Recognition

Employee rewards and recognition are extremely important, especially when there are dozens of alternative employment opportunities available to them (MSG 2021). Employee remuneration systems are company-specific programs that reward and encourage employees on an individual and group level (Inc 2021).


The following are some of the long-term benefits of incentives and recognitions:

  1. Rewards and recognitions directly influence attrition rates.
  2. Rewards and recognition can help to improve performance.
  3. The greatest way to improve teamwork is to look into it.
  4. Negative behaviour and absenteeism can be reduced.
  5. Employees are engrossed in their job


Industrial Relations

Industrial relations can be defined as the relationships that exist in the workplace, particularly between employees and their representatives and management, as a result of their shared attitudes and approaches to managing the industrys affairs, for the benefit of not only management and workers but also the industry as a whole (Rekha 2021).


Industrial Relations strives to achieve continuous work processes, decrease time and waste, decrease significant conflicts such as strikes and demonstrations, improve and safer working conditions, and fulfil wage requirements and expectations. If handled properly, industrial relations may help you prevent litigation, demonstrations, walkouts, and lost production time and money (Azam 2021).


Employee Wellness

Business executives have long understood that poor employee health significantly influences a companys capacity to succeed. In the whole panorama of Human Resource Management, Health & Safety is a crucial HR role. Employees spend most of their time at work, and it is the companys responsibility to provide them with a safe, friendly, and secure workplace (Azmi 2021).



It is important to note that HR aims to make the best use of employees, encourage individual development, and comply with government regulations in practice. HRM is generally found in larger businesses, and its major purpose is to align business goals with employee goals.


Carl Tapi is a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a management and human resources consulting firm. Phone +263 (242) 481946-48/481950 or cell number +263 772 469 680 or email:  or visit our website at 

Carl Tapi
This article was written by Carl a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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