Hybrid events: Everything you need to know

Hybrid events: Everything you need to know
Last Updated: June 30, 2023

What are hybrid events?

Hybrid events are a combination of live and virtual events. You add a virtual component to your live event, complete with an audience, material. Your audience can join and engage with your event no matter where they are. In hybrid events, engagement is a crucial component. A hybrid event differs from a live event with tech aspects in terms of engagement.


Hybrid events can take on a variety of forms, depending on your event structure and target demographic. On the other hand, the finest hybrid events have one thing in common: they prioritize the audience trip for both audiences. This entails treating both your live and online audiences fairly and ensuring that they get the most out of your event.


A hybrid event platform is also an essential component of a hybrid event. Consider it your virtual venue but without the 3D characters and booths. When selecting a virtual event platform, keep in mind that your attendees arent looking for a virtual version of the physical event.

Your audience will not watch your event on television; instead, they will participate via mobile devices or computers, allowing them to provide real-time comments. What a hybrid event entails:

  • A seamless integration of technology that allows a live and virtual audience to participate in the same event.
  • A viewer-friendly experience that caters to all audiences.
  • Bringing your online and live audiences up to speed
  • You put a lot of thought into the attendee journey for your live attendees.


The challenging aspect of hybrid conferences and events is making them as exciting and satisfying for individuals who are not physically present as they are for those who are. Attendees that visit in person can participate in workshops, interact with one another, interact with presenters, and ask questions.


To perform the same thing in the virtual world, youll need extra planning and the correct event technology. There are a number of different methods to build an event in order for it to be labeled as \"hybrid.\" A physical event with added online access, a largely online event with minimal in-person components, or a hybrid of the two is possible. With the right hybrid event platform, you can ensure that real and virtual attendees have a positive experience.


What Does It Take to Host a Hybrid Event?


As previously said, hybrid events give attendees the option of attending and participating in in-person sessions and presentations at a specific event venue. Your organization can use a sophisticated virtual event platform to create an experience that will perfectly complement the in-person part for individuals who are unable to attend or prefer not to attend in-person events.


Hybrid events must go beyond simply streaming in-person speakers and sessions. However, if you merely stream the content, remote viewers may become bored or feel left out of the debate. Imagine watching a live Q&A session but not being allowed to remark or ask any questions. What is the point of this?


Fortunately, when it comes to virtual event software that packs a punch, event planners have many inventive options nowadays. The following are some examples of features:

  • On-demand or live content
  • Pages with your logo customized
  • Polls
  • Activity feeds Virtual Q&As
  • Rooms for discussion
  • Virtual participants can stay connected to and updated on the event by using a computer or smartphone to view content.


How To Organize An Effective Hybrid Event

  1. Pick an Event Theme and Content That Interests You.

The success of a hybrid event hinges on interesting and engaging content that speaks to your target audience. Given that a large section of your audience is online and only a mouse clicks away from a plethora of tempting distractions, its critical to understand your target audience and construct your agenda to include the hot issues they want to hear about, given by engaging presenters.

  1. Define your events scope and agenda.

Once youve decided on a theme, youll need to plan the scope and agenda for your hybrid event. Consider the types of virtual and physical aspects youd like to add while keeping in mind your target audience, budget, event goals, the size and type of event youre presenting, and time constraints.

  1. Select a Virtual and Hybrid Event Platform that Meets Your Needs

The key to a successful hybrid event is choosing the correct platform for your needs. The most effective hybrid events go beyond basic live streaming and webinars to fully engage the online audience, pulling virtual attendees into the physical event as closely as possible in real-time. Its critical to make the right choices to achieve this level of engagement. It is critical to select a platform with the appropriate features to reach this level of involvement. This is especially critical if youre planning a multi-functional event that includes several registration options with tiered pricing, numerous live streams, concurrent sessions, on-demand video or synchronized video sessions, and accurate statistics.

  1. Think of new ways to engage your audience.

When it comes to being creative and adding innovative and engaging features to your event to keep your audience engaged, hybrid events bring up a world of options. This is especially true in the virtual world, where it is all too easy for them to do so.

  1. To keep peoples attention, keep sessions short and the pace fast.

Because online audiences attention spans are short, keeping a quick pace is critical for hybrid events. In addition to utilizing a live emcee to keep things moving, its critical to keep sessions brief, which means making sure your presenters understand that theres no room for error in a virtual situation. Most speakers wont mind, and your audience will have a better time as a result.


Hybrid Events: Common types

Many types of meetings and programs, including internal and external company events, might benefit from hybrid events. Consider how hybrid elements might fit into these types of events for your company:

  • Conferences
  • Exhibitions
  • Seminars on training
  • Events for marketing and sales
  • Demonstrations and product launches
  • Meetings with the team


Because virtual information can remain longer and be accessed and viewed repeatedly, hybrid events can leave a stronger impression than conventional meeting kinds. You can also acquire vital insight and statistics on what works and what doesnt by using polls, rapid feedback, and digital tracking.


Why Are Hybrid Events Important?

Hybrid events offer many opportunities for increased attendance, engagement, and long-term exposure and effect. According to research, 73.6 percent of event planners have improved their technical skills due to the pandemic. Todays planners recognize that using technology is critical to success, as meetings are still held entirely online or via video conferencing.

A good hybrid event should include the following features:

  • Using a strong event technology platform provide seamless networking opportunities for both audiences.
  • Create an interesting viewing experience for both in-person and at-home viewers.
  • Prioritize both in-person and virtual experiences. The idea here is that youre organizing two different experiences, but both groups should feel like they got the same information from the event.


What Are the Advantages of Hybrid Meetings?

While hybrid events provide unique problems for event planners, they also offer a variety of opportunities and rewards. Increasing the number of people who attend:

  • Attendees may face major barriers due to venue constraints, travel restrictions, and additional expenditures. By adding a virtual layer to your event, you may reach a far larger audience and make it more inclusive.
  • Increased Return on Investment (ROI): The return on investment (ROI) is a primary goal for event planners. You may increase ticket sales by selling to both in-person and virtual attendance groups when you add a virtual audience to your event.
  • In-depth Data Collection: Virtual events provide limitless data collection opportunities. The ability of an event platform to provide deep data insights is a must-have feature. The Socio Live Data Dashboard gives you a complete picture of event data and metrics.
  • More Alternatives for Everyone: Attendees have more options with hybrid events. They have the option of attending in person or as virtual delegates. It gives people alternatives. They are not obligated to travel halfway around the world if they do not like to do so. They can participate in virtual meetings. They can, however, travel and physically meet other people if they so desire.
  • One of the best things about hybrid is the increased diversity and inclusivity of attendees. Money, time, and a lack of support have all been stated as major reasons people cannot attend in person. They allow delegates who otherwise would not be able to participate to do so. If you charge delegate fees, this might imply extra cash for your event. There are, however, other considerations to consider. Some delegates, for example, may be unable to attend due to a lack of appropriate papers, such as a visa application to enter a nation. Of course, a virtual delegate does not require a visa.


The Drawbacks of Organizing Hybrid Events

The advantages are apparent, but there is a reason why many event organizers are having difficulty adopting a hybrid strategy for their future events. Lets look at a few of the most prevalent complaints weve heard in the industry:

  • Difficult to Deliver

One of the major drawbacks of hybrid events is that they are challenging to deliver and pricey. Essentially, delivering a hybrid event entails producing two events, necessitating additional resources.

  • Envy from the audience

The tough obstacle of audience envy follows on from the complexity issue. Is it possible? Yes, it does. Any delegate that attends an event is curious about the benefits they will receive. Its only normal.

  • Change Is Required

By their very nature, hybrid occurrences force people to change. While they do not demand change, they do contribute to it through the opportunities they present. Delegates have additional options, and organizations can choose to organize hybrid events or not. And, while this may be a positive thing, not everyone seeks or desires change.


In conclusion, it is entirely up to you and your organizations aims (and funds!) whether you feel hybrid events are the future and the \"new normal.\" However, before you conclude, you must let go of any \"unconscious bias\" you may have. Hybrid events provide an alternative, a new path ahead, but they are not without their challenges. They come with risks as well as benefits. They can be challenging to navigate, but they also provide limitless opportunities. There are advantages and disadvantages to consider. But one thing is certain: they should be discussed now to determine how and when they should be used.

Cindy Baker
Trish Makiwa
I completed my Bachelor Honors in Psychology at the University of Zimbabwe. I have been working at Industrial Psychology Consultants as the front office administrator and PA to the managing consultant. It is my dream in life to continue learning and pursuing in the Human Resource and administration field and be a big asset/value to any institution which will use my services.

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