Job requisition: All you need to know

Job requisition: All you need to know
Last Updated: July 4, 2022

Job requisition is an essential step in the recruitment process. It helps companies prioritize their recruitment needs, simplify the recruitment process and make better choices, but it can also act as a system of checks and balances.


Implementing job requisitions during the recruitment process means that recruiters will clearly understand what type of job role they need to assume, the contract type, start date, and salary range. This article will give a deeper understanding of what a job requisition is and how to write a good job requisition.

What is a job requisition?

Job requisition is a way to determine recruitment needs. It describes to the recruiter why the position has to be filled and other critical information needed to make the best recruiting decision. It serves as the foundation for the recruitment and recruitment process.


The job requisition typically specifies the sort of position needed in which department and the wage range, start date, job description, and bonus information. The job requisition is sent to management for approval. It will give them a framework for the types of services they can offer candidates at the start of the hiring process.


How do you write a job requisition?


When a person is writing a job requisition, several aspects need to be considered. These aspects are essential for making a suitable requisition.


  1. Being thorough and convincing

The first step in writing a suitable job requisition is to convince the human resources or finance department why a role needs to be filled and how it will affect the team.


The job request must be comprehensive and persuasive enough to be authorized, allowing you to begin the hiring process. It should not only be consistent with the companys aims and vision, but it should also convey a feeling of urgency as to why recruitment should take place as soon as possible.


It should also focus on what new employees will achieve in the position and what risks the company will face if it fails to fill the vacancy:

  • If this role is not filled, what risks does the organization face? What tasks/projects will not be completed?
  • If the person leaving/retiring has specific skills, why do new employees need similar skills?
  • What happens to the department if the position is vacant?
  • If the human resources department decides not to change employees, what impact will it have on the companys customers?

Every question and answer raised by the job requisition should be relevant to convince the reading department that hiring a person for this role is essential.


The roles responsibilities must be defined in depth. People can utilize job requisitions in this way to develop exceptional job postings that appeal to a wide range of prospects.


  1. Being realistic

The finer details of job roles need to be realistic:

  • What is the budget?
  • When do you need new employees on board?
  • What qualifications must they have?
  • On what days do they have to go to work?


It will make the entire recruitment process easier if you ensure that the details are accurate and match the nature and tasks of the position. It improves the accuracy of job descriptions.


  1. Get management support

Finally, we need to involve management to make this recruitment a reality. Part of the rationale for this is to ensure that the job requisition is persuasive and emphasizes the positive contribution that this individual will make to the team and organization. The other aspect is making it as simple as possible for relevant departments to express their approval and stamp on job requisitions.


In the job requisition, if you can clearly state why this role is needed and how much it costs, it will be more difficult for other departments to oppose recruitment.


  1. Focus on indicators, including quantitative and qualitative results

What will the successful candidate for this position achieve? Details are key. Clear goals need to be given, such as 90 days, 120 days, and one year, so that the person who approves the requisition can easily understand what the company can expect in terms of value to be created by the new employee.


Know your selling point

Every candidate has a different motivation to apply. Depending on their age and background, they may desire prestigious titles, benefits, work in well-known companies, or higher salaries. The recruiters job is to listen to candidates opinions and why they applied.


Its important to remember that creating a job requisition is a sort of advertising designed to appeal to ideal candidates psychology. The top performers may be turned away for unsightly or badly written requisitions.


What does a job requisition look like?

  1. The job requisition form has many standard elements. Some of the features identified are listed and explained as follows:
  2. Title: The position is the suggested position for the new role. The final title will be determined during the vacancy acceptance period.
  3. Department: Department name.
  4. Hiring manager: The name and ID of the hiring manager.
  5. Purpose of the role: This is the intended purpose of the role.
  6. Reasons for expropriation: The role can be newly created, transfer, retirement, promotion, unpaid leave (such as vacation), maternity leave/paternity leave, etc.
  7. Salary range: This includes the approximate salary range for the role. Any signing bonuses should also be specified here.
  8. Start date of work: This is the recommended start date for this role.
  9. Working hours per week: This field specifies whether the role is full-time or part-time. In the case of part-time positions, the number of hours or full-time equivalent is defined.
  10. Duration: The allocation duration is permanent or temporary. If it is a temporary contract, the end date should be determined.
  11. Type of contract: The contract type is employee or contract worker. The latter is usually only relevant if the duration of the work is temporary. The type of contract also affects the required budget, as employees are generally eligible for benefits.
  12. Required qualifications: Some organizations ask about new candidates (advanced) qualifications, such as their education level or minimum work experience level.
  13. Budget: Usually, there is also the question of whether the funds for the role are in place. If it is there, the job requisition can quickly be approved. However, if there is no budget, there will be a more rigorous analysis of whether this role is needed.


Job requisition justification example

Incorporating job requisitions into the recruitment process is critical. They justify the need for the function inside the company and legitimize the start of new responsibilities. Still, they can also give the hiring manager or recruiter a clear picture of the departments needs.


Its worth mentioning that if a company outsources its recruiting or has a huge department, its nearly hard for the person in charge of recruiting to know the wage range or educational requirements for a position unless they are specified.


The job requisition outlines to the recruiter why the company needs to hire and what the candidate should bring to the table. It can also assist businesses in formalizing their hiring procedures.


Job requisition forms can record what managers anticipate of candidates, how long it takes to recruit, and why they need to fill the post in the first place by providing their recruiting needs in writing before looking for candidates. For example, if the department keeps hiring new positions because employees leave for other jobs, it may indicate a problem that needs to be investigated.


A job requisition is justified when an organization expands, and the current employees can no longer handle the workload. A job request can be created, and one of the main reasons for making the requisition will be to expand the team.


Munodiwa Zvemhara is a Talent Acquisition Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a management and human resources consulting firm. Phone +263 (242) 481946-48/481950 or email:  or visit our website at

Munodiwa Zvemhara
This article was written by Munodiwa a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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