Job Rotation: What you need to know

Job Rotation: What you need to know
Last Updated: January 23, 2024

    Whats Inside?

Job and task rotation are ways in which employees change between a variety of jobs or tasks inside an organization on a regular and planned basis. According to a CRANET survey, more than half of U.S. firms employed job rotation (Cranet, 2017).


Job rotation is a strategy that can help employees develop skills and advance their careers. When employees rotate through different jobs, departments, or responsibilities, they learn new skills and experiences that can help them advance in their careers.

Job rotation can also help employees develop critical skills and improve their performance, often without requiring extra training or investment. For example, if two employees are on different rotations, the person who does the sales job twice a week might develop better sales skills than the person who never does sales.


The goal of job rotation is to offer employees varied experience, better opportunities for career development, and the ability to learn new skills. Job rotation can also provide benefits for employers, such as ensuring that positions are filled when necessary.



Job rotation is a strategy that has been around for years but is only now starting to gain traction to improve employee performance and satisfaction. Job rotation is a strategy that involves frequently switching the responsibilities, or \"roles,\" of employees within the same job title. In theory, job rotation is a way to increase employee engagement, reduce job boredom, and enhance job performance. In practice, job rotation can offer many other benefits for organizations, including improved productivity, better productivity, and higher job satisfaction.


Although there are numerous publications on job and task rotation from various disciplines, there is no consistent evidence of their effectiveness. A meta-analysis of 56 studies (N = 284,086) showed that rotation was significantly associated with job satisfaction and other employee outcomes.


The job and task rotation have not been separated. According to Dinis and Fronteira (2015) and Le Meunier-Fitzhugh and Massey (2019), job rotation and task rotation are workplace strategies that attempt to improve employee results. A lateral movement of employees inside an organization without a change in salary or rank is referred to as job rotation. Moving between work responsibilities is also part of task rotation, although on a smaller scale.


The job characteristics model of Hackman and Oldham (1976), one of the most famous theories of psychological work design, explains why rotation may result in more favorable employee attitudes. Humphrey et al. (2007) discovered favorable associations between these qualities (task variety, task identity, and task significance), autonomy, and feedback.


Job rotation is positively correlated with employee development indicators (a) competence development, (b) career success, and (c) labor flexibility. One theory is that rotation promotes the development of tacit knowledge. Employers can deploy their employees more freely as a result of this knowledge acquisition in a range of occupations or tasks.


Previous reviews have found mixed results on the effects of task rotation on physical health. Westgaard and Winkel (1996) developed a model that explains why rotation can impact a wide range of health-related outcomes. According to the authors, occupational and environmental exposure causes individual reactions in the body, which then cause acute physiological and psychological responses. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and sick leave also reported (weak) positive effects from rotation.


Job rotation has been utilized to increase employee momentum and job participation, which are crucial for performance (Zeira, 1974). Job rotation increases employees abilities, passion, encouragement, and drive (Friedrich, Kabst, Weber, & Rodehuth, 1998).


Job rotation is a chance for workers to have a broader understanding of company goals, create a strong network of organizational colleagues, and increase employee acquisitions (Lindbeck & Snower, 2000).


Job Rotation has been a controversial topic for years. Some people say that it is the best way to learn new skills and advance their careers. Others say that it is a waste of time and only serves to increase employees workload without increasing their pay.


Many successful CEOs have employed job rotation to great advantage throughout the years. It has, however, been criticized for being a time-consuming waste of effort. Lets look at some data better to understand the link between job rotation and career progression. CEOs usage of job rotation has expanded dramatically during the last fifty years. Only 4% of CEOs adopted job rotation in 1970. Today, that figure has risen to 28 percent. The fact that job rotation is one of the most effective strategies to develop new skills and enhance your career has contributed to this growth.


The first thing we can take up from these facts is that job rotation works best when implemented by successful CEOs. To succeed in business, one must possess a diverse set of talents. This may be accomplished by spending time in several areas and working with a diverse group of people.


Memory Nguwi
Super User
This article was written by Memory a Super User at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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