Micromanagers: The signs to look for

Micromanagers: The signs to look for
Last Updated: July 4, 2022

What is a micro-manager?

A micromanager is a supervisor or manager who supervises staff excessively. Rather than asking an employee what job needs to be completed and when a micromanager can closely monitor the employees behaviour and offer constant criticism of the employees work and processes. A micromanager uses a corporate management style that focuses on individual teams and workers day-to-day success. Although micromanagement can produce a quick response, it has the effect of lowering company morale and creating a hostile work environment. A micromanager will develop their leadership style and follow a more macro approach once theyve been established.



Furthermore, a manager who employs this management style fosters fear and a lack of confidence in his or her teams abilities. The team will struggle to work in the absence of the manager.


A micromanager would typically spend the majority of his time supervising the work of his direct reports and exaggerating the relevance of trivial information to subordinates, time that could be spent on more critical tasks. Others in the company may notice micromanagement, but the micromanager may not see himself or herself as such.


Every task needs approval 


Giving access to their team members is impossible for many micromanagers. They always assume that they are the only ones capable of making sound decisions. Peoples self-confidence is quickly eroding as they are forced to seek acceptance for all.


An obsession with constant updates

As a result, people could spend more time creating comprehensive updates rather than concentrating on what they were hired to do. People who are constantly feeling the need to explain themselves may begin to believe that they are not trusted to do their jobs.


Difficulty delegating

This results in two major issues. To begin with, team members of a micromanager wonder if they are allowed to do the job for which they were hired. As a result, the micromanager becomes so preoccupied with the work of others that they neglect their own.


The need to be cc’d into every single email

The need to be able to see all strands of communication at all times. This reveals a fear of being left out of the loop, as well as a fascination with facts and decisions that are beyond their control.


Over complicates instructions

Even simple projects become ridiculously over-complicated due to an obsession with even small data. Instructions are overly complex and convoluted to the point of being unintelligible.


The belief that no one is else is capable

Micromanagers always assume that they are in charge of less talented employees because only they can be expected to perform as well as they can.


How to Manage a Micromanaging Boss?

Anticipate what she/he wants and act

Anticipating the managers activities and completing them far ahead of time is a perfect way to stop micromanagement in its tracks. Youll reduce the need for his/her reminders if you repeatedly reply, \"I already left a draft of the schedule on your desk for your review.\" The manager will see that youve taken care of your duties and that she doesnt need to be watching your every move.


Provide Updates Proactively

Micromanagers like to be in control, which is why they constantly ask for updates, tell you how to complete assignments, and check in to make sure everything is running smoothly. Since they hired you because they couldnt finish every project themselves, micromanaging allows them to be as active as possible.


To avoid this, give the boss daily updates before she has the opportunity to ask for them. Prepare an email every morning detailing what you achieved the day before, what you intend to do the next day, and whether you have any questions or need any assistance.


This can be used for a variety of things: To begin with, your supervisor will be aware of your current workload, which will relieve her of her relentless interrogation. Second, with a simple glance, shell be able to respond to your questions, provide feedback, or propose ideas in one direct response, making her feel more involved while avoiding several mid-day check-ins.


The majority of micromanagers are completely unaware that they are doing so. They can take pride in \"keeping a tight ship\" or proudly declare that \"the buck stops here.\" They should believe they are providing guidance and support to their employees. They do not trust their workers and are hoping to keep them from making mistakes.


Nyasha D Ziwewe is a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm. Phone +263 4 481946-48/481950 or email: nyasha@ipcconsultants.com or visit our website at www.ipcconsultants.com 

Nyasha Ziwewe
This article was written by Nyasha a Guest at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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