Product Manager Job Descriptions

Product Manager Job Descriptions
Last Updated: June 1, 2023

The product manager is responsible for both product planning and marketing. This includes managing the product throughout the product lifecycle. Gathering and prioritizing product and customer needs are also part of the Product manager's job description. It also entails collaborating with sales, marketing, and other support functions to guarantee that revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met.

Product managers often work for businesses that produce and market consumer goods across all industries. They collaborate closely with product engineers to ensure the development of high-quality products and seek advice from marketing experts on promoting the product.

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Product Manager Job descriptions: Overall Purpose of the job

Leads the conceptualization and development of products up to the stage where the product is ready for the market.

Product Manager Job descriptions: Primary duties


  • Manages the conceptualization, development and marketing of new products by working with a multi-disciplinary project team.
  • Manages the relationship with the Business Development team by working together on business cases and updating the product dashboard.
  • Sets and manages product budgets by ensuring the product stays within that budget.
  • Establishes the product's long-term plan by developing a product road map.
  • Promotes product activity by creating product documents such as Market Requirement Documents and product use cases.
  • Creates price plans by working with the sales and marketing team.
  • Develops sales plans by using market analysis.
  • Improves client interactions by collecting information on clients' needs and wants.
  • Recognizes the selling features of a product by creating the perfect product packaging.
  • Creates product lines by assessing the marketability of new concepts.
  • Creates product positioning and pricing strategies by comparing them to competitors in the same field.
  • Establishes and composes product specs by outlining the specifications for the product.
  • Analyzes client data by sending reports to the appropriate departments.

Product Manager Job Description

Product Manager Job descriptions: Educational Qualifications

  • A bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) in engineering or product design.
  • A certification in product management.

Product Manager Job descriptions: Experience Required

  • A track record of developing and marketing products that meet or exceed corporate goals.
  • Prior product management or junior/associate product management experience.
  • Five years of experience as a technical lead or engineer.

Abilities, and Other Characteristics (KSAO)


  • Knowledge of executing precisely tailored product marketing strategies
  • Knowledge of product design and marketing software.


  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Natural propensity to be curious, upbeat, and creative skills
  • A good team player who works well with others
  • Genuine sensitivity to the needs of the client and a dedication to learning everything possible about the difficulties they may encounter
  • The capacity to solve problems
  • The capacity for prioritization
  • Strategically minded
  • A talent for telling stories
  • Excellent time management


  • A keen eye for detail and effective problem-solving abilities.
  • Outstanding interpersonal abilities.
  • Outstanding leadership abilities.
  • The capacity to conduct experiments, including A/B tests
  • The capacity to undertake market and consumer research
  • Making prototypes and proof-of-concepts
  • The capacity to create and maintain a product roadmap

Related: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Everything you need to know

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main duties of a Product manager?

Ensuring the product supports the organization's broader strategy and goals is crucial to the product manager's job. The product manager's responsibility is to deliver a unique product that fills a market need and offers a promising economic opportunity. Although the Product Manager is ultimately in charge of overseeing the product from conception to end-of-life, they receive support from experts such as designers, developers, quality assurance engineers, supply chain and operations experts, manufacturing engineers, and others.

What are the 3 roles of a Product Manager?

The product manager:

  • Outlines the direction, strategy, and vision for the product.
  • Collects, organizes, and ranks market and customer needs.
  • Serves as a customer's advocate, explaining the demands of the user and the buyer.

Who qualifies as a Product manager?

An inventive mentality is essential for a good product manager. Thanks to this quality, they may analyze product flaws and plan how to fix them to maximize client satisfaction. They naturally possess the capacity to lead, which enables them to keep their team focused and motivated to finish their tasks by the deadlines they have been given. A good product manager places a high value on ongoing education and seeks opportunities to learn more about their field and product design tools.

What distinguishes a project manager from a product manager?

Their particular work responsibilities and areas of expertise set a Product manager and a project manager apart. Product managers, for instance, are experts at managing product teams that include product engineers, designers, and other staff. They aim to develop and improve business products consumers want to purchase. On the other hand, project managers are in charge of a wider range of duties. They concentrate on setting deadlines, guaranteeing quality, and making sure that tasks remain within defined budgets rather than precisely on how to create and promote products.

Related: Project Manager Career Path from Entry Level to VP

Trish Makiwa
This article was written by Trish a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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