Safeway Human Resources: What You Need To Know

Safeway Human Resources: What You Need To Know
Last Updated: April 25, 2024

Safeway is a distribution company with stores located in many parts of the world. It is one of the biggest grocery stores in the Northern part of America and is well known for its dedication to sustainability and its policy on employee welfare. Safeway's human resources provides competitive benefits and supports its employees. This article will take a look at Safeway's HR strategies and how they benefit the company.

Equality of Opportunity

Safeway gives its employees an equal opportunity to succeed irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, or marital status. Safeway is committed to following all relevant human rights and employment equity regulations, ensuring that there is no unlawful discrimination in any aspect of employment, including recruitment, compensation, career growth, or dismissal.

Safeway's policy on workplace harassment, developed by its human resources, shows its strong stance against discrimination. If you would like to view the policy, click here. Safeway has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment or any form of harassment based on legally protected attributes, and this helps to foster a respectful and inclusive workplace environment.

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Recruitment and Selection


Diversity is an essential value to Safeway. This is evident as they advocate and foster an inclusive workplace where each employee's unique opinions and skills are acknowledged and valued. Safeway believes that it is through the diversity of its staff that it can successfully forge partnerships with clients and satisfy their needs. Indeed, a diverse workforce fosters mutual respect, understanding, better teamwork, and creative thinking. 

HR procedures are a crucial aspect of a business strategy, as they facilitate the processes of recruitment, development, and retention of skilled personnel at the organization. The HR department at Safeway is committed to hiring people who share its values and help the business succeed. Safeway also aims to ensure that the process is made smooth and easy for applicants. Usually, the hiring procedure entails: 

Online Applications

Interested parties may apply for jobs by visiting Safeway's website, where they can peruse the positions that are offered and electronically submit their applications. 

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Those who meet the qualifications go for interviews, where their qualifications, experience, and fit for the position are assessed. Based on the reviews provided on the Indeed website, Safeway's interview procedure is simple and informal. Candidates talked about a relaxed, face to face interview setting where they were given a few questions, which made them feel at ease. The majority of the reviews suggest that the interviews are brief, and according to some of the reviews, they lasted between 10 and 15 minutes.

Background Checks

To guarantee adherence to business guidelines and industry standards, Safeway does background checks on prospective employees as part of the recruiting process. A drug test is carried out following the conclusion of a background investigation, which takes up to 2 weeks for some. This order implies that before moving further with additional measures like drug testing and orientation, Safeway gives priority to early engagement and learning about the candidate's past.

Overall, Safeway designs the interview procedure to be quick and easy. According to the majority of these reviews, applicants should anticipate a simple and quick online application procedure, as well as fast communication from the hiring team. Interviews are said to be informal and succinct, with a focus on fundamental inquiries on the candidate's interest in the role. 

Subsequent procedures entail drug tests and background checks, suggesting a methodical yet comprehensive approach to verifying applicants' fitness for jobs. The comparatively short hiring cycle from application to employment seems to be a reflection of Safeway human resources' dedication to quickly filling vacancies and integrating new hires into the team.

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Training and Development for Employees

Safeway makes training and development investments to further employee careers and improve the available skill sets. Safeway offers a mixed approach to training for its employees, as reflected in various individual experiences. The training typically involves both computer-based sessions and in-person training, with one individual reporting a five-hour session.

Depending on the department, employees may have opportunities to gain additional job knowledge through cross-training, potentially leading to increased hours and advancement prospects. However, there are contrasting perspectives suggesting that training might not always align directly with job roles or adequately prepare employees for their responsibilities, particularly when transitioning to new positions. Some employees feel that the training is insufficient or lacking in thoroughness, with a sentiment that they are quickly placed into roles without adequate support and then criticized for any resulting errors.

Despite variations in training quality and approach, Safeway seems to emphasize cross-training and hands-on experience as avenues for skill development and career progression within the company.


The promotion process at Safeway appears to vary based on individual experiences and work performance. Some employees mention that promotions can happen relatively quickly, suggesting that opportunities may arise for those who excel and consistently meet or exceed expectations. However, there are also contrasting views, with one individual describing the process as "weird" after having served in a managerial role without official recognition. 

Overall, it seems that promotion at Safeway is tied closely to work ethic and performance, where diligent and dependable employees who consistently go above and beyond expectations stand a better chance of advancement within the company.

Employee support and well-being

Safeway aims to offer employees benefits and promote a drug-free workplace, and before being granted a job, all applicants must complete a pre-employment drug test.


Regardless of a worker's race, colour, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical or mental impairment, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or other legally protected status, Safeway values and respects each employee. Additionally, the company aims to provide an environment and working circumstances that safeguard employees' physical and mental health.

Benefits Package

In addition to guaranteeing workers' well-being, Safeway Human Resources offers a comprehensive benefits package that boosts staff retention, motivation, and job satisfaction. A steady and motivated workforce is facilitated by benefits, including paid time off, retirement plans, and health and wellness initiatives. Educational programs also assist staff members in expanding their skill sets and improving the overall effectiveness of the business. 

Safeway provides a wide range of benefits to its staff members, such as 401(k) plans, dental, vision, and medical coverage. According to the reviews made by individuals on their benefits, part-time workers might not get as many benefits as full-time workers, who are qualified for these after a full year of employment. 

In addition to enhanced coverage for medical, dental, and visual needs, the package includes paid sick leave, optional life insurance, and health insurance. It also gives access to a union. It seems that the union contract plays a significant role in guaranteeing strong benefits for workers, providing coverage for both themselves and their families. Although the family plan is overall, Safeway is known for providing substantial benefit packages to its unionized employees very quickly after hiring, making these perks an important part of working for the company.

Vacation Leave

The number of vacation days available under Safeway human resources policy seems to vary according to employment status and length of service. Employees who work full-time are entitled to seven vacation days annually, and after one year of employment, they can also earn paid time off.

The maximum vacation allowance seems to be four weeks, which may be indicative of an accrual system that is progressive and based on years of service. However, after the first year, initial benefits can include five days of paid vacation time. This implies that Safeway understands the value of offering paid time off to staff members, with a growing allotment as staff members accumulate experience and work longer hours for the company.


Safeway human resources allows for individuals who have been terminated to reapply after a maximum of 3 months. The reapplication process consists of a phone interview and an in-person interview to ascertain rehiring eligibility. Some individuals have remarked that rehiring is dependent upon being given the status upon termination. 

Therefore, an employee's ability to be recruited again frequently hinges on their status upon termination. This implies that although Safeway human resources would think about rehiring former workers in specific situations, such as when a worker's family requires them to leave the company, the choice would ultimately depend on particular elements found during the termination procedure.


Safeway Human Resources is committed to fostering an inclusive workplace that focuses on diversity and skill development. Their HR procedures, including online applications, background checks, and drug tests, ensure adherence to industry standards. Promotions are tied to work ethic and performance, with diligent employees having a better chance of advancement.

Natasha Chimphondah
This article was written by Natasha a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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