Securing Your Data Always with VoIP: 5 Immediate Measures for 100% Protection

Securing Your Data Always with VoIP: 5 Immediate Measures for 100% Protection
Last Updated: November 14, 2023

Have you finally ditched landlines for the better and more advanced VoIP? If so, great! There’s so much more than you can get with it compared with the older communication tech.

One of our favorite things about it is there’s no business income barrier preventing you from accessing the full potential of the system. You can even start with just $2 a month for one phone line. And as your enterprise grows, so does your system.

That’s why when you stick with or any other did provider when you're just starting, you don't have to suddenly find another one once your business grows. You can create and nurture a good partnership with the provider of your choice.

But as with anything that's available online, it's particularly vulnerable to cyberthreats and cyberattacks. Among other things, this can result in data loss and privacy breaches.

Thankfully, there are ways that you can protect your system from these attacks.

How can security issues affect your system?

If you’ve been using VoIP for a while with no security issues, you might think that upping your security isn’t worth it. But think of it this way: you keep your door locks at night even though you’re in a relatively safe neighborhood just in case.

Put simply, the risks are simply too big to be ignored. Here are the most common impacts of security attacks:

1. Lost money. Attacks can force your system to make calls. Although VoIP lets you save money by giving deep discounts on all calls, unknowingly making a lot of calls because of the attack can still burn a hole in your pocket.

2. Inability to use the system. Real users can be barred, hitting your productivity rates.

3. Exposure of confidential information. Attackers can also get sensitive information like contact numbers and addresses of your employees and customers. This can dent the trust that you’ve built with your market.

Considering the potential loss with just one attack, it makes sense to implement security changes that would prevent all these. Doctors always say that prevention is better than cure, and it’s true in this sense as well.

How can you protect your VoIP system?


The important thing here is covering all the bases. Some can be implemented by your employees right now. But for others, you may need to invest a little bit of money. Here are a few things that you can try:

1. Use a strong password

Remember, the security and integrity of your VoIP system may be at stake. So don’t assign “password” as your password. That would be like protecting a million-dollar watch with a sign that says “Don’t steal!”

Make your password as strong as possible, and don't use it for any other account that you have. Because the more accounts that you use the same password on (whether personal or business), the greater the chance of a breach.

More importantly, change your password every few months. Always be one step ahead of the no-good cybercriminals.

2. Encrypt the entire system

Unfortunately, there are a lot of providers out there that don’t offer encryption as part of the system. So in this case, you’d have to get one for yourself.

As this means an additional cost on your part, we strongly recommend that you switch to a provider that values your security by offering encryption as part of the package.

3. Manage and improve internal security

Even if you’re doing the best that you can to make sure the system is secure, it won’t matter as much if your employees aren’t doing the same.

We suggest creating a guidebook of some sort that every employee will have to read before they can start connecting to the VoIP system. This should have the SOPs, and it should also inform them of the potential consequences of not implementing the guidebook.

And as part of management, there should be regular reminders to change their passwords and to only log in by using a secured device.

4. Monitor the system 24/7

To do this, you'll probably need to get the service somewhere. Your system permanently exists on the internet and therefore permanently exposed to security attacks. And the majority of these attacks happen after office hours when no one's logged into the system.

Because of this, there’d be no one to flag that something weird is happening. This means that you won’t be able to address the issue before it gets worse.

5. Invest in establishing firewalls

Essentially, firewalls keep everything inside it safe - this includes your VoIP system and all the devices registered to it. It’s created specifically for your enterprise, so it doesn’t accidentally block traffic from VoIP.

Choosing the methods you’ll use to protect your system will depend on your budget and risk appetite. It’s your job to dictate the balance between these two to find that sweet spot between finance and security.


In conclusion, safeguarding your VoIP system is paramount in ensuring the security and integrity of your communication infrastructure. While the advantages of using VoIP are numerous, the online environment exposes it to potential cyberthreats and attacks that can have severe consequences, including financial loss, productivity disruptions, and the compromise of confidential information.


Recognizing the significance of these risks, it becomes imperative to proactively implement security measures to fortify your VoIP system. The analogy of locking your door at night in a safe neighborhood holds true — even if you haven't experienced security issues, the potential risks are too substantial to be overlooked.


The five recommended strategies outlined — using a strong password, encrypting the entire system, managing and improving internal security, monitoring the system 24/7, and investing in firewalls — collectively form a robust defense against potential cyber threats. These measures not only protect your system but also contribute to building a resilient and secure communication environment for your organization.

Cindy Baker
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