Should You Hire an Employee Who Has Been Convicted of a Driving Offense?

Should You Hire an Employee Who Has Been Convicted of a Driving Offense?
Last Updated: November 29, 2022

You want to attract and retain the best employees as an employer. You also want to create a safe and productive work environment. Balancing these two goals can be difficult, especially for employees with driving offenses on their record.


On the one hand, you may worry that an employee with a driving offense is more likely to get into an accident or cause property damage. On the other hand, you may feel that everyone deserves a second chance.


With employment laws and company policy to consider, it's crucial to weigh all the factors before deciding. In this article, we'll discuss whether or not you should hire an employee with a driving offense.

There are a few things to consider when deciding whether or not to hire an employee with a driving offense:

1. Insurance Coverage

You should check with your insurance company to see how an employee's driving record will affect your coverage. You may require special insurance for an employee with a driving offense. This could end up costing you more in the long run.


Sometimes, an employee may need an SR-22 to keep their license. This is a certificate that proves the employee has the minimum amount of liability insurance required by the state. A vehicle liability insurance policy with an SR-22 rider is one option. It may be more expensive than a standard policy, but it will cover the employee in the event of an accident.



2. The Severity of the Offense

A speeding ticket is not as severe as a DUI. You'll want to look at the offense's circumstances to understand how severe it was. If the offense was serious, you might want to consider whether or not the employee is genuinely remorseful and has taken steps to change their behavior.


You should also look at the employee's driving record as a whole. Several minor offenses may be cause for concern, but a single major offense may not be as big of a deal if the employee has otherwise been a safe driver.


3. The Job Requirements

If the job requires the employee to drive, you'll want to be extra cautious. A sales representative who regularly drives to meet with clients is a different case than an office manager who occasionally drives to meetings. You'll also want to consider whether or not the employee will be driving a company car. If so, you may be held liable in the event of an accident.


An employee's ability to drive is an essential factor in many jobs. If the job requires driving, you'll want to be extra cautious when considering an employee with a driving offense.


4. Local Laws and Company Policy

There may also be local laws that come into play. For example, some cities have ordinances that prohibit employers from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until a job offer has been made. Be sure to check with your attorney or HR department to see if any laws apply in your area.


The last thing you want to do is violate a law when making hiring decisions. Your company may also have a policy regarding employees with driving offenses. For example, some companies will not hire anyone with a DUI. Others may have a policy of only hiring applicants with a clean driving record.


Make sure you're familiar with the laws and policies that apply before making a decision.


In summary, it can be confusing to decide whether to hire an employee with a driving offense. It's important to weigh all the factors before making a decision. The key is to be as informed as possible to make the best decision for your company.


Cindy Baker
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