Soft Skills in Resume: Everything you need to know

Soft Skills in Resume: Everything you need to know
Last Updated: July 21, 2023


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Soft Skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you operate. They include how you connect with coworkers, handle problems, and manage your workload. Soft skills are personal characteristics that influence how you act and perform at work. Soft skills are traits that people already have rather than ones that they develop on the job. Employers pay special attention to soft skills since they may make all the difference between two candidates with identical educational backgrounds or levels of experience.


Many graduate students are so interested in acquiring knowledge in their profession that they may overlook the importance of regularly practicing communication, time management, and conflict resolution skills. These abilities are extremely valuable in the industry, and displaying them can help a student stand out in todays competitive employment market.

Examples of soft skills in resume


soft skills in resume


How to add soft skills to resume


Adding a skills section to your resume is one of the best ways to highlight your soft skills. You dont have to list every single soft skill youve identified in this section. Instead, look at the job description for the position youre applying for and see what skills are highlighted. Lean into those if they apply.


Then, while you evaluate your skills section, consider the following four questions:

  1. Are these skills up to date? As you participate in training, seminars, and new initiatives, make sure to keep this area up to date.
  2. Are these skills unique to me? You dont want to mention the same generic soft abilities that everyone else does; the goal is to stand apart.
  3. Is my skills section clear? The abilities part of your resume should be easy to read, skim, and understand.
  4. Can I back up my skills? Make sure youre comfortable discussing your soft skills in a job interview.


If you follow these three stages, your resumes skills section will begin to take form quickly.

  • Make a list of your most marketable skills.
  • Remove any skills that arent relevant.
  • Complement the job description

Click here to read on adding Leadership skills to your resume.


Pros of adding soft skills to resume

One of the most significant benefits of soft skills is that they do not confine you to a single industry.


One of the most important benefits of soft skills is that they are transferrable, allowing you to demonstrate your personality and efficacy to potential employers even if you have little expertise in their profession.


Your outstanding communication abilities, for example, may have helped you sell houses. However, people who can communicate well are needed in many other fields besides sales, whether to attract new clients, create relationships with suppliers, or operate well in a team.


Soft skills are also present in everyone. They dont require any official training and are typically acquired from previous roles or work experiences, which means you may already possess some valuable skills.


Cons of adding soft skills to resume

Soft skills, while important, arent always enough to land you a job.


Some sectors require more formal degrees or experience to get your foot in the door, and your soft skills may not be enough if you dont have these.


Soft skills are also difficult to quantify, which means that some companies wont recognize their actual worth until youve demonstrated them.


Ten soft skills you should develop right now

If you Google \"soft skills,\" youll come up with an overwhelming list of \"top skills\" that every employee should possess to be successful. Youll also notice that many of these lists mention cultivating these soft skills but never explain why or how to do so.


No interviewer will question if you have a soft skill; instead, they will ask you to demonstrate how you have used that skill in or out of the office. Youll need real instances to discuss to portray an image of a well-rounded, skilled future employee who is eager to work and contribute to the organization. The following is a list of ten soft skills you should improve on in your daily life.

  1. Dependability/Reliability- To be dependable, you must do what you say youll do when you say youll do it. You can be counted on to perform any work with excellence.
  2. Motivation/ Initiative- You should motivate yourself to complete duties and take the initiative to identify new ways to enhance yourself, your work, and your organization.
  3. Communication- is one of those abilities that you hear about a lot, and for a good reason. Communication is essential in any human contact, particularly in the workplace, where numerous variables are at play.
  4. Commitment- Employers want to know that youre not only committed to the company and your position but that youre also committed to producing the best work possible every time.
  5. Creativity- Can you think of innovative and unique ways to solve problems? Demonstrate this to your boss.
  6. Problem Solving- Employers want to know that if youre faced with a problem, youll do all in your power to solve it. Your creativity will come in handy in this situation.
  7. Flexibility- Your job will be a rollercoaster ride at times. Is it possible for you to cope with the chaos?
  8. Teamwork- Youre not done with group projects just because you graduated from high school. Almost every job requires you to work as part of a team.
  9. Leadership- You may not be a natural-born leader, but are you capable of leading a group of people or a process when necessary?
  10. Time management-both at work and home life are hectic. You must be able to prioritize your tasks and balance your burden.


MORE SOFT SKILLS: A List of Top Soft Skills Employers Value


How to develop soft skills


Perfection comes with practice

It may appear intimidating at first, but practicing your soft skills is the key to improving them. And giving specific examples of times youve used your soft skills is crucial when marketing them to an employer. There is no easy way around it; you must devote time to developing your soft skills, which may be less exciting than your academic or technical work. It will be challenging (and possibly awkward) at first, but the more you practice, the better you will get—and the better you become, the more instances you will have to pull on during an interview. It is up to you, as it is with so many things in life, whether you learn these skills or not.


Participate in community service

Working for a non-profit organization is a great way to practice qualities like collaboration and commitment. Volunteering not only benefits your community but also forces you to practice skills you might not have used in other aspects of your life.


Ask for help

 Ask your manager, supervisor, coworker, or even a friend for suggestions to enhance a specific soft skill. For instance, if your coworkers seem to have no trouble meeting deadlines while you are having trouble, inquire about their time-management tactics. Examine whether you can incorporate any of their suggestions into your routine.


Become a member of an organization

Youll reap the same rewards from volunteering for an organization as you would from volunteering in your neighborhood. Plus, if youre interested in leadership, chairing a committee, planning an event, or even heading the entire organization is a terrific way to put your skills to the test.


Its crucial to practice and demonstrate your soft skills for more than just your work; its also important for success in your everyday life. The best aspect about improving these abilities is that practicing them offers you specific examples of your strengths and flaws that you can use in job interviews.


Kelin Zvomuya is a consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm.

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Kelin Zvomuya
This article was written by Kelin a Guest at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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