The Self-Evaluation process simplified

The Self-Evaluation process simplified
Last Updated: July 3, 2022

Employees can use self-evaluation to examine and document their performance in a completely objective and honest manner. Employees must, however, understand and be comfortable with the process of conducting a self-evaluation. Conducting a self-assessment correctly can be the difference between a valuable and ineffective evaluation.


What is self-evaluation?

A self-evaluation is a written review of your performance throughout the assessment cycle that you have given careful thought to. It entails grading overall performance against pre-determined ideal objectives, skills, and benchmarks.


Why self-evaluation is beneficial


You become a participant in your evaluation when you self-assess. The participation allows you to evaluate your strengths as well as areas where you need to improve. After that, you can take a more active role in your supervisors review meeting. Self-assessment is also a good thing to do as it increases dedication to goal-setting/achievement, skill development, and career advancement planning.


Getting ready for the self-evaluation process

Gather the information youll need to reflect on your performance before you begin writing, such as a list of quarterly goals, monthly benchmarks and status reports, and the feedback you received during the previous review. Grab your work notebook as well, which can include things like great client feedback, particular sales or engagement figures, or difficult scenarios you faced.


This information will set you up well for a smooth evaluation process.


How you go about it

  1. To complete the self-evaluation, set aside around an hour. That hour could include time to evaluate paperwork related to your objectives and competencies that youve kept throughout the year.
  2. Conduct the self-evaluation in a peaceful, distraction-free environment so you can focus on the procedure and reflect fully.
  3. Relax and think about your objectives, experiences, and situations. No one is flawless, and you are bound to remember both positive and negative situations. The evaluation process aims to identify strengths, repair performance flaws, and improve previously undeveloped skills and abilities. You must be willing to notice areas that require improvement or development.
  4. Dont be afraid to express your achievements during the year in full detail. The self-evaluation is the time to brag with grace and diplomacy while remaining respectful to your co-workers. Dont be modest; describe your achievements honestly and objectively.
  5. Your assessor is unlikely to recall all of your projects and involvement over the year. Examine old documents and e-mails to refresh your memory.
  6. The advantage of self-evaluation is that it often leads to positive communication between you and your boss. As a result, write in a conversational tone, as natural as the verbal back and forth that occurs throughout the year.
  7. Inquire about your performance from your co-workers. But, of course, stay away from platitudes, too critical comments, and anything else that can detract from rather than adds to your self-esteem.
  8. Its easy to give yourself good grades all around, but you rarely did everything well. You will be more useful to the company if you can demonstrate the tangible benefits you provide. So make a list of questions for yourself: How did my efforts affect my department? What did I do to help my team achieve its objectives and goals? Was my contribution to the companys mission successful? When the opportunity presented, did I seize it?
  9. Do not use your self-evaluation as a negotiating tool. As a result, this is not the time to discuss your pay. Its time to demonstrate rather than tell. Make a list of your accomplishments and keep the salary talk for later.
  10. Choose words that show objectivity and separation. Although you are writing about yourself, you can still take a step back and provide some context. For example, instead of documenting particular actions, such as your capacity to get along well with others, while noting your brilliant personality in a group, instead of state how much you enjoy your job, describe how you have grown and improved during the review time.
  11. Self-evaluation is an excellent approach to pinpoint particular areas where you might enhance your performance. Dont be scared to suggest improvements to your work. Making such suggestions isnt the same as pointing out a flaw. Employees who recognize opportunities to grow and improve are demonstrating strength and professional maturity.
  12. Choose, complete, and apply information gained from development activities to help you achieve your performance goals, competency development, and career goals.
  13. Youll want to \"do it correctly\" because the self-evaluation is part of your work record. In your attitude and words, make sure to be comprehensive and professional. In addition, you should create, examine, and update your self-evaluation to ensure that you \"submit\" your best work.

Note that quantifiable data will demonstrate the true value you provide in your self-evaluation. It also aids in the verification of your findings. Therefore all the claims made in your self-evaluation should be supported by the fact and data realized.


Here is a list of useful words and phrases that may improve your self-evaluation report based on the defined categories:

Addressing your strengths

  • Workmanship
    • Accurate, neat, detail-oriented, dependable, thorough, adhere to processes
  • Dependability
    • Attendance is consistent, timeliness is punctual, and regulations are strictly followed.
  • Communication
    • Communicates effectively both orally and in writing with both peers and supervisors and manages internal and external interactions well.
  • Judgment
    • Tactful shows sensitivity and common sense, keep secrets, makes wise judgments, assesses situations, and takes appropriate action.
  • Technical Skills and Job Knowledge
    • Knows what needs to be done and rarely requires training; proficient in all technical areas of the job; knows how to operate equipment; able to work independently; instruct, mentor, and train others; understands and maintains procedures.
  • Motivation
    • Genuine dedication to the job, energetic, self-starting, initiative, excitement, and a high degree of energy.
  • Quantity of Work
    • Keeps up with job load, fulfils last-minute deadlines when necessary, is steady and consistent, and is willing to go above and beyond.
  • Response to stressful situations
    • When deadline pressures increase, can be counted on to stay calm and effective despite discomfort or changes in plans and policies, rarely loses temper, has a high frustration tolerance, and can deal with unhappy customers/vendors
  • Solving problems
    • Troubleshoots, has fast insight, is quick to learn, manages complex assignments, is analytical, and gets right to the point.
  • Decisiveness
    • Willingness to make judgments, make the best decisions possible, and ask questions when necessary.


Addressing areas of weakness

Youll need to analyze your own mistakes in addition to showcasing your achievements. Taking responsibility for your flaws will demonstrate your professionalism and integrity to your boss, who is likely already aware of them.

You can also provide constructive criticism on how your supervisors tactics or actions may have influenced your performance.

  • I need to work on my interpersonal skills.
  • I struggle to prioritize tasks.
  • While I have a good grasp of planning, I have been trying to improve on my executive skills.

Throughout this process, remember that this is your opportunity as an employee to provide honest feedback on how you have performed. This information can later be used in other discussions regarding promotion or compensation if handled well.



Yolanda Chimonyo
This article was written by Yolanda a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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