What does an HR Consultant do?

What does an HR Consultant do?
Last Updated: April 2, 2024

Eighteen years ago, I embarked on my HR consulting journey at Ernst & Young. Since then, I've witnessed a dramatic shift in how businesses leverage HR expertise. Today, HR consultants are not just brought in to fill skill gaps; we're valued for our independent perspective and ability to guide organizations through complex HR challenges. Are you tired of the same old HR consulting advice? In this article, I'll share lessons learned the hard way and cutting-edge research. If you're ready to level up your HR consulting game, this is for you

HR Consultant in a Consulting Firm

Within a consulting firm, an HR Consultant may work with a team of experts to provide a range of services to multiple clients. They often specialize in certain areas of HR, such as talent management, organizational development, or compensation and benefits. They leverage their firm's methodologies and resources to deliver solutions that align with their clients' strategic goals. The HR consultant in this setting faces the challenge of balancing the need to provide customized advice to clients.

Independent Solo HR Consultant


An independent HR Consultant operates as a sole practitioner, offering personalized service and leveraging their extensive network and reputation. These consultants must be adept at business development and are responsible for sourcing their clients. They may focus on serving a particular niche or industry, providing their clients with in-depth knowledge and tailored solutions. The independent HR Consultant faces unique challenges, such as maintaining a steady pipeline of work, managing all aspects of the business, and staying current with HR best practices and markets.

The HR Consultant: How big is their market 

The HR Consulting industry has experienced growth in recent years. In the United States, the market size of the HR Consulting industry has grown an average of 5.9% per year between 2018 and 2023. Globally, the market is valued at $60 billion and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7 percent between 2021 and the following years, with projections indicating it may reach USD 73.75 billion in 2024 and continue to grow to USD 104.02 billion by 2029.

Regarding employment in the HR Consulting sector, there are 201,927 people employed in the industry in the US as of 2023. Another source notes that over 129,717 human resources consultants are employed in the United States. These figures reflect the significance of the HR Consulting field and its role in supporting businesses and organizations with their human resources needs.

The scope of HR Consultant's work 

The traditional image of an HR consultant often involves tasks like managing payroll, administering benefits, and handling compliance matters. Things have changed significantly; the role of an HR consultant has become far more multifaceted and strategic. HR consultants are now instrumental in shaping how organizations adapt to workplace shifts, foster a positive culture, and leverage data for better decision-making.

While administrative duties remain a foundation, HR consultants increasingly act as strategic partners to businesses. Recent surveys indicate that many companies seek HR consultants to help with high-level planning, organizational design, and talent strategy. They're not just handling HR operations but helping shape the company's future. 

Services Offered by HR Consultants

Both firm-affiliated and independent HR Consultants offer services ranging from operational support to strategic planning. They assist in implementing HR technologies, provide training and development programs, help navigate legal compliance issues, and offer guidance on organizational change. In an increasingly digital world, HR Consultants also support e-consulting implementation, offering remote services that can deliver value irrespective of location. 

1. Operational Support and Strategic Planning

HR consultants from consulting firms typically work with a team of specialists, pooling their collective expertise to offer full-service solutions to their clients. These solutions cover operational support functions such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and maintaining comprehensive employee records. On the strategic front, independent HR consultants, often leveraging niche expertise, guide the alignment of workforce strategy with overarching business goals.

2. HR Technology Implementation

A critical aspect of modern HR consultancy is guiding organizations through the maze of HR technology solutions. Consultants are pivotal in selecting, customizing, and implementing HR Information Systems (HRIS) that streamline and automate core HR functions, enhancing organizational productivity and decision-making. 

3. Training and Development Programs

In training and development, consultants are instrumental in crafting programs that address competency gaps and promote continuous professional growth. They design and execute training interventions directly tied to the strategic needs of the business, ensuring a high return on investment for learning initiatives.

3. Legal Compliance Consulting

With a complex web of labor laws and regulations to navigate, HR consultants provide indispensable expertise in legal compliance. They ensure that organizational policies and procedures meet current legal standards, thus protecting the business against legal risks and potential litigations.

4. Guidance on Organizational Change

As architects of change, HR consultants facilitate smooth transitions during organizational restructuring, mergers, or cultural transformations. They employ change management methodologies and offer external perspectives to help businesses adapt to new scenarios with minimal disruption to operations.

5. Compensation Consulting

Compensation consultants specialize in designing and implementing pay structures and benefit plans that attract and retain top talent while ensuring equity and compliance with regulations. They use market data to benchmark compensation and advise on pay strategies aligning with business goals. Additionally, they may help organizations navigate executive compensation and performance incentive schemes.

6. Performance Management Consulting

Performance management consultants work with organizations to develop and refine systems that assess and improve employee performance. They help create clear performance metrics, feedback systems, and development plans supporting individual growth and organizational objectives.

7. Employee Relations Consulting

Employee relations consultants assist organizations in creating a positive work environment by advising on best practices for employee engagement, conflict resolution, and maintaining a productive workplace culture. They work to strengthen the relationship between employer and employees, which is crucial for organizational success. 

8. Talent Acquisition Consulting

Talent acquisition consultants provide expertise in sourcing, attracting, and hiring the best candidates for an organization. They strategize on recruitment processes, employer branding, and leveraging social media to tap into diverse talent pools.

9. Diversity and Inclusion Consulting

Diversity and inclusion consultants help organizations build a workforce that values diversity and fosters an inclusive culture. They conduct assessments, develop strategies, and implement programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace.

10. Workforce Analytics Consulting

Workforce analytics consultants utilize data to inform HR strategies and decisions. They analyze workforce data to uncover employee productivity, retention, and engagement insights, which can guide talent management and business strategy.

11. Succession Planning Consulting

Succession planning consultants assist organizations in identifying and developing future leaders. They ensure clear pathways for employee advancement and that the organization is prepared for transitions in leadership roles.

Client Acquisition Strategies for HR Consultants

Whether part of a larger firm or solo practitioners, HR consultants must actively engage in client acquisition to sustain and grow their business. Attracting and securing new clients is multifaceted, involving a combination of networking, relationship building, marketing, and leveraging digital platforms.

The acquisition of new clients begins with a deep understanding of the HR consulting market. Consultants must identify their target clientele, which may range from small businesses to large corporations, and understand the specific HR needs of these organizations. This involves staying current with industry trends, emerging HR technologies, and the evolving regulatory landscape.

1. Building and Leveraging Networks

This study challenges the assumption that B2B buying decisions for HR consulting services are driven solely by rational factors. It reveals that a consultant's relationship with a client can often outweigh a lack of specialized HR knowledge, emphasizing the critical importance of building strong, long-term relationships for success in the HR consulting industry. Additionally, the study highlights a significant desire from clients to actively participate in the consulting process, suggesting that HR consultants should adopt a more collaborative approach rather than the traditional expert-to-client model.

2. Strategic Business Development

Business development in HR consulting involves selling services and cultivating long-term client relationships. HR consultants must position themselves as strategic partners who can add significant value to an organization's operations. This requires a deep understanding of business strategy and aligning HR initiatives with broader business objectives. 

3. Lead Generation Techniques

Lead generation is an ongoing effort that involves identifying and cultivating potential leads that may convert into clients. This can be done through various methods, including cold calling, email campaigns, webinars, and offering free resources or tools to demonstrate the consultant's value proposition. Tracking and analyzing lead generation efforts can help consultants refine their strategies for better outcomes. 

4. Developing a Strong Brand Identity

Creating a strong brand identity is crucial for HR consultants. It involves defining what they stand for, their unique value proposition, and how they differentiates themselves from competitors. A well-crafted brand helps potential clients quickly understand the consultant's expertise and the benefits of working with them.

5. Thought Leadership

Thought leadership can be a powerful tool for HR consultants to differentiate themselves. Consultants can influence and guide the HR conversation by expressing unique insights and forward-thinking ideas. This might be achieved through speaking engagements at industry conferences, webinars, or writing authoritative pieces on HR topics, thereby building credibility and a reputation as an expert.

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO can significantly enhance the online visibility of HR consultants. By optimizing their websites and content for search engines, consultants can increase their chances of appearing in search results when potential clients are looking for HR consulting services. This involves using relevant keywords, producing quality content, and ensuring the technical aspects of their website are search-engine friendly.

7. Social Media Engagement

Social media platforms are valuable channels for HR consultants to engage with potential clients and build their brand. Consultants can expand their reach and attract leads by sharing insightful content, participating in relevant discussions, and connecting with other professionals. Social media also allows targeting specific audiences with tailored messaging that resonates with their HR needs. 

Methodologies HR Consultants Use 

HR consultants are entrusted with the crucial task of guiding organizations through complex challenges and transitions. To navigate these challenges successfully, HR consultants rely on an arsenal of methodologies that are not only grounded in theory but also proven in practice. These methodologies serve as roadmaps, providing structured approaches to tackle various HR-related consulting assignments. The importance of specific methodologies in HR consulting lies in their ability to offer tailored, data-driven, and strategic solutions that align with client organizations' unique needs and goals. They ensure that interventions are effective in the short term and sustainable over the long haul, leading to enhanced organizational performance, employee well-being, and competitive advantage.

1. Process Consulting Approach by Edgar Schein

Edgar Schein's process consulting approach is a foundational method used in assignments that involve facilitating organizational change, enhancing team dynamics, and improving organizational communication. Process consulting emphasizes the role of the consultant as a facilitator who helps clients understand and solve their problems. This approach is particularly effective in assignments that aim to build internal capabilities and empower organizational members to lead change initiatives. Schein's methodology is characterized by its emphasis on helping clients diagnose their problems, understand the underlying dynamics affecting the issues, and develop solutions. Process consulting leads to lasting change as it builds the organization's capacity for self-diagnosis and problem-solving.

2. Design Methodology in Management Consulting

Design methodology is often used in strategic planning and organizational design assignments. This approach enables consultants to develop innovative solutions coherent with the client organization's strategic objectives. Some researchers emphasize that a practice-based design methodology results in productive design strategies. Consultants using this methodology can help organizations navigate complex change initiatives, mergers and acquisitions, and developing new business models. The impact is seen in creating sustainable solutions that align with the organization's culture and business environment, resulting in improved performance and competitive advantage.

3. Evidence-Based Management in HR Consulting

Evidence-based management is particularly useful in assignments that involve HR analytics, strategic workforce planning, and the evaluation of HR interventions. This approach emphasizes using data and scientific evidence to inform HR decision-making. Van der Togt and Rasmussen (2017) illustrate how applying HR analytics can reduce spending on HR consultancy and lead to more strategic decision-making within the HR function. HR consultants use evidence-based management to help organizations by ensuring that HR practices and interventions are grounded in empirical evidence and best practices.

5. Business Process Change Techniques in HR Consulting

Business process change techniques are typically applied in assignments that require redesigning HR processes, such as talent acquisition, onboarding, and performance management systems. These techniques help consultants to systematically improve and automate HR processes, resulting in significant efficiency gains. Kettinger, Teng, and Guha (1997) demonstrate that applying these techniques can increase process performance and organizational effectiveness by focusing on customer service and cost reduction.

6. Action Research in HR Consulting

Action research is suited to assignments that involve organizational change, leadership development, and team effectiveness. It is a collaborative method that combines theory and practice to solve organizational problems and improve performance. Zhang, Levenson, and Wright (2015) describe how action research was used to gain access to data and engage practitioners in the research process, leading to impactful organizational changes. HR consultants can utilize this approach to work closely with clients to diagnose issues, co-create solutions, and implement relevant and effective changes.

7. Design Thinking in HR Consulting Assignments

Design thinking empowers HR consultants to move away from rigid, traditional approaches and embrace human-centered problem-solving. By deeply empathizing with employees and stakeholders, clearly defining the problem to be solved, engaging in collaborative brainstorming, creating testable prototypes of solutions, and gathering feedback, consultants can arrive at innovative HR practices that address workforce needs and foster organizational success.

Design Thinking is a user-centered approach that solves complex problems by empathizing with users, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. In HR consulting, this approach can be applied to various assignments, such as creating employee engagement programs, developing talent management strategies, and enhancing the overall employee experience. This methodology encourages a deep dive into the needs and perspectives of the workforce, leading to more empathetic and innovative HR solutions. For instance, Boller and Fletcher (2020) discuss how Design Thinking can create learning journeys that yield results by integrating the Learning Experience Design (LXD) Framework. HR consultants using Design Thinking can handle projects such as redesigning onboarding processes, crafting learning and development programs, and reimagining performance management systems focusing on the end-user experience

Liedtka, King, and Bennett (2013) illustrate how Design Thinking has been used in real-world projects to generate effective solutions. In HR consulting, such projects could include developing leadership programs, crafting diversity and inclusion initiatives, and designing employee wellness interventions. By focusing on what works, HR consultants can use Design Thinking to drive meaningful organizational change that is both empathetic and practical. 

The effectiveness of HR Consultants 

The effectiveness of HR consultants is a critical consideration for organizations seeking to improve their human resource functions and overall performance. Scientific research provides insights into the impact and outcomes of HR consulting, shedding light on the value these professionals bring to the organizations they serve.

HR consultants are effective when they contribute to developing and implementing HR practices that enhance organizational performance. For instance, Hickey (2004) evaluated the effectiveness of foreign HR consulting companies in China and highlighted the significance of the quality of services provided by these consultants. The study found that effective HR consulting could improve organizational human resource functions.

In one study, the researchers examined the impact of using HR consultants on organizational outcomes. The study suggests that HR consultants can significantly influence strategic HR functions and drive public perceptions of an organization's HR capabilities. Furthermore, the study indicates that while consultants can enhance the image of HR functions, assessing their effectiveness in terms of real organizational penetration and the tangible outcomes they produce is crucial.

In another study, researchers discussed the critical issues related to the effectiveness of consultancy services, including the outsourcing companies' satisfaction with service delivery. The study reveals the importance of understanding the expectations of the client organization and delivering services that meet these expectations to ensure the effectiveness of HR consulting.

Hunter described the training of HR consultants at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), emphasizing the need for HR professionals to adapt to the complexities of HR and meet new executive demands for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This points to the effectiveness of HR consultants being closely tied to their ability to evolve and address the changing needs of businesses.

HR Consultant and AI Technology 

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into human resources (HR) consulting represents a transformative shift in how HR services are delivered and organizational challenges are addressed. AI applications in HR are redefining the consulting landscape by enabling more personalized, efficient, and strategic HR management. The application of AI has the potential to significantly enhance productivity and performance within HR functions, offering insights that were previously inaccessible due to the limitations of human analysis.

Recent research has begun to uncover the potential of AI in HR consulting. For instance, Pandey and Khaskel explore the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in HR, noting that the technology is transforming HR functions and prompting a reevaluation of traditional HR roles. The study discusses the potential of AI to streamline HR operations and improve decision-making processes, ultimately leading to enhanced organizational outcomes.

Guenole and Feinzig present a business case for applying AI in HR, detailing IBM's pioneering work in developing AI solutions for HR functions. The use of AI in HR practices has led to a shift from administrative tasks to high-performance HR practices that focus on critical jobs and team performance. This shift has implications for productivity as it allows HR professionals to concentrate on strategic activities that have a greater impact on organizational performance. 

The influence of AI on HR consulting productivity is further examined by Malik, Budhwar, Mohan, and others, who found that AI-assisted applications in HR management enhance the employee experience and, consequently, employee engagement. The study reports increases in employee productivity and the effectiveness of the HR function due to integrating AI into HR systems.

Research by Ethan Mollick and others provides insights into the nuanced impact of AI on knowledge worker productivity and quality. For instance, Mollick and Euchner (2023) discuss the transformative potential of generative AI and its applications in various organizational functions, including HR. The conversation reveals how AI can streamline processes and increase efficiency in HR tasks, such as completing forms and managing data. 

Overall, the application of AI in HR consulting is proving to be a game-changer, potentially enhancing productivity and performance significantly. AI-driven HR solutions offer a new level of analytical depth and personalization that can lead to more informed decision-making and optimal use of human capital. As research continues to evolve, it's becoming clear that AI has a crucial role to play in the future of HR consulting.

The Future-Focused Consultant

To stay relevant, HR consultants must keep their eyes on the horizon. Staying abreast of changing employment laws, understanding how artificial intelligence reshapes HR processes, and recognizing evolving employee expectations are crucial. Experts predict that the most sought-after HR consultants will possess expertise in change management, predictive analytics, and employee experience design in the coming years.

The future of HR consulting is poised for significant transformation, propelled by technological advancements, evolving business landscapes, and shifting workforce dynamics. Whether working within firms or as solo practitioners, HR consultants are expected to navigate many changes that will redefine their roles and the services they offer.

1. Embracing Technology and Innovation

The impact of technology on HR consulting cannot be overstated. Integrating e-consulting and AI into HR functions is set to enhance HR consultants' value creation significantly. Poorani and Thiyagarajan emphasize the importance of benchmarking value creation in e-consulting businesses, highlighting the impact of technology on the effectiveness of HR consulting services.

2. Adapting to Market Demands

The HR consulting industry is expected to evolve in response to market demands and the changing nature of work. D'Cunha's research explores current trends and prospects, indicating that the industry must adapt to maintain relevance and meet clients' needs.

3. Developing New Competencies

HR consultants will need to develop new competencies to stay ahead. Yeung, Woolcock, and Sullivan (1996) have identified future HR competencies that will be crucial for consultants to master. These include a deep understanding of business strategy, technology, and analytics and the ability to act as strategic partners to their clients.

4. Consulting and Change Management Skills

The importance of HR consulting and change management skills will continue to grow. Some researchers continue to explore the development of these skills, suggesting that the future performance of organizations will depend on the ability of HR consultants to manage change effectively.

The HR Consultant and how they charge their fees 

Setting fees is a critical aspect of HR consulting, and consultants adopt various strategies to determine their pricing. The approach to fee-setting is influenced by several factors, including the value provided, market rates, the complexity of services, and the consultant's expertise.

1. Value-Based Pricing

Some HR consultants base their fees on the value delivered to the client. In this paper, researchers discuss how HRM consultants in a leading consultancy firm leverage their expertise to charge some of the highest rates in the marketplace. This indicates a value-based pricing strategy, where fees are correlated with the perceived value of the services provided and the results achieved for the client.

2. Competitive Pricing

Understanding market rates and competitive pricing is also a consideration for HR consultants. Kitay and Wright highlight the importance of setting competitive fees that reflect the quality of service without compromising the consultant's ability to secure business.


The role of HR consultants is multifaceted and continually evolving in response to technological advancements, organizational needs, and market dynamics. As strategic business partners, HR consultants leverage their expertise in human resources management to deliver innovative solutions that enhance employee engagement, streamline HR operations, and align HR strategies with business objectives.

HR consultants are adapting to the transformative impact of AI, which promises to revolutionize HR functions by enhancing productivity and performance. They are also preparing for a future that demands new competencies, technological savvy, and a deeper integration with business strategy.

In setting their fees, HR consultants consider various factors, including the value of their services, market rates, and the complexity of their projects. They employ pricing strategies that reflect their expertise, the results they deliver, and their competitive position in the market.

Throughout our discussion, it's clear that HR consultants are essential contributors to organizational success. They must navigate an ever-changing landscape with agility and foresight, ensuring their practices remain relevant and impactful in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven world.

Cindy Baker
Memory Nguwi
Memory Nguwi is the Managing Consultant of Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt). With a wealth of experience in human resources management and consultancy, Memory focuses on assisting clients in developing sustainable remuneration models, identifying top talent, measuring productivity, and analyzing HR data to predict company performance. Memory's expertise lies in designing workforce plans that navigate economic cycles and leveraging predictive analytics to identify risks, while also building productive work teams. Join Memory Nguwi here to explore valuable insights and best practices for optimizing your workforce, fostering a positive work culture, and driving business success.

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