What does neuroticism mean?

What does neuroticism mean?
Last Updated: January 23, 2024

When a person has neuroticism, they are more likely to experience unpleasant emotions such as anger, anxiety, self-consciousness, irritability, emotional instability, or depression. In addition, those with high degrees of neuroticism have a poor response to environmental stress, perceive everyday events as dangerous, and can find tiny grievances to be overpowering.


So what does neuroticism mean? It’s a pretty general word. It can mean any of a number of different things. For example, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychiatric Association’s book defines mental illnesses, neuroticism is one of the personality traits that are listed as part of the “personality” section.

The word neuroticism comes from the Greek word νοητικÏŒς (nous = mind and τέφρα =τέφρα: nerve) which means “of the mind or brain”. The scale used to measure neuroticism is the WHO’s version of the inventory of depressive symptoms (IDS) which measures how much a person experiences sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest throughout the day. It also measures how much a person experiences restlessness, irritability, and anger throughout the day. The scale was first used in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) which is used to diagnose mental illness.


The word neuroticism is often used when individuals are described as being neurotic. The word neurotic has quite a negative connotation, often associated with someone who is overly emotional or unstable. It is sometimes used to describe someone who is excessively worried or anxious. But, when describing someone’s personality, the word neurotic is most often used to describe someone who is emotional or overreacts to situations.


Neuroticism is a personality trait that refers to how emotionally unstable a person is. The trait is often associated with anxiety, fear, anger, and other reactions to stress. However, in psychology, the word “neuroticism” is used to refer to a broader set of traits that includes such emotions as well as other, more mental, reactions to stress. The word “neurotic” is often used as an insult, but in psychology, it is just another word for a person who is emotionally sensitive.


The term “neuroticism” is used to describe a state of emotional instability. People who are high in neuroticism tend to experience more mood swings, stress, and anxiety than people who are low in neuroticism. This sometimes makes it difficult for people with high neuroticism to function normally. However, because neuroticism is a trait, not a disorder, being high in neuroticism doesn’t mean that you have a mental disorder.



Neuroticism and life outcomes

Additionally, neuroticism is connected with lower quality of life, which includes feelings of ill will, excessive concern, vocational failure, and marital dissatisfaction, among other things. Psychological preoccupation, weariness, and distraction are all caused by high degrees of neuroticism, which will result in poor work performance as a result of this. When it comes to marital relationships, high levels of neuroticism can cause both actual and subjective marital dissatisfaction, even when there is no objective basis for such feelings. This can lead to actual spousal frustration and withdrawal, which is similar to the dual effect of neuroticism on physical conditions.


People who are prone to anxiety, depression, and stress are more likely to have poor physical and mental health and are more likely to die young. The same seems to be true of neuroticism, a personality trait that is related to both positive and negative life outcomes. People who are high in neuroticism are more likely to have poor physical and mental health and are more likely to die young. The link between neuroticism and life expectancy is well established and has been found in different cultures around the world.


Researchers have long been interested in the association between emotional and behavioral traits and health and disease. In recent years, a growing body of research has investigated the influence of neuroticism on a variety of health and medical outcomes. Neuroticism is a personality trait that has been linked to a number of adverse life outcomes, including mental health problems, impaired physical health, and reduced academic and occupational success. Because of this, people high in neuroticism are often thought of as “sad” or “miserable”. However, recent research has begun to question this assumption, as the link between neuroticism and a number of life outcomes may be mediated by the way in which neuroticism is expressed rather than the dimensions of which it is composed.


The most recent research shows that neuroticism is more heritable than we originally thought. This hasn’t stopped us from trying to reduce neuroticism and increase openness. We just have to work a little harder to find the right interventions.



The final piece of the puzzle, then, is that people who are high in neuroticism are more likely to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety and sadness than people who are low in neuroticism. This pattern of findings is what we would expect if neuroticism is a vulnerability factor for depression. It also fits with the idea that neuroticism is a risk factor for becoming depressed in the first place. In other words, the traits we commonly think of as negative may be part of the puzzle of what causes depression.



Memory Nguwi
Super User
This article was written by Memory a Super User at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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