The aftermath of a car crash in Philadelphia can be overwhelming, confusing, and full of uncertainties. Pennsylvania laws ensure individuals injured in automobile accidents have a source of indemnification. Recovering compensation can be tricky for car crash victims. If an accident involves negligence, it adds another layer of complexity to the situation.
One way to tackle this situation is by seeking the guidance of an experienced Philadelphia car accident lawyer who will help build a solid case for you, determine liability, demonstrate damages, and negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement.
The Common Liable Parties In A Philadelphia Car Accident
The liable parties in an auto accident can include the at-fault car drivers, car makers, spare parts and equipment manufacturers, employers, parents of at-fault teen drivers, government entities in charge of constructing and maintaining roads, and other road users such as bicyclists, motorcycle riders, and pedestrians.
How does Auto Insurance Work in Pennsylvania?
Assessing liability in a car accident is rarely a straightforward process.
Pennsylvania is a no-fault insurance state. The state requires its drivers to have mandatory Personal Injury Protection (PiP) In Pennsylvania, the injured victim’s insurance company will be liable for the damages. Who bears responsibility for an accident makes no difference.
The PIP provides medical coverage for drivers and their passengers if there is an accident, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, if you suffer severe injuries that meet Pennsylvania’s serious injury threshold, an experienced car accident lawyer can help you pursue damages against the at-fault party beyond what your PIP covers.
The Types Of Legal Liability
One doesn't have to drive to be liable for damages in a car accident.
Cars, like firearms, if in the wrong hands and used improperly can cause tremendous damage.
Experienced car accident attorneys possess a thorough understanding of the various types of legal liability. This knowledge comes in handy when determining the liable party.
Vicarious Liability
Vicarious liability is a legal principle that holds individuals accountable for the actions of others. Under the doctrine of Vicarious Liability, an employer would be responsible for the actions of its employees. Parents can be liable if their teen driver causes a car accident while pursuing any family "purpose" or "use."
Negligent Entrustment
Negligent entrustment of an automobile refers to the entrusting of a motor vehicle to someone reckless, inexperienced, or incompetent to operate it safely. An individual can be unfit to safely operate a car because of their age or lack of experience, a physical or mental impairment, or a known history of habitual reckless driving.
Pennsylvania courts have long recognized the tort of negligent entrustment.
The act of negligent entrustment makes the motor vehicle's owner liable for the driver's acts.
Contact A Seasoned Philadelphia Car Accident Attorney
Establishing liability and damages in car accidents is key to the success of a claim.
An accomplished car accident attorney knows how to sort out insurance coverage issues in accidents involving complex insurance and personal injury laws in Pennsylvania.
If you have suffered severe injuries due to a driver’s negligence in Philly, an auto accident attorney can negotiate a settlement or seek a court verdict to recover the maximum compensation that may be available for your physical injuries, property damage, and other losses. Contact an experienced auto accident attorney today to schedule your free case assessment.