Mthulisi Mlilo

Mthulisi Mlilo is an analytical HR Analytics Specialist with over three years of experience in business and people analytics. Specializing in the Human Resources industry, he uses tools like SQL, Python, Excel, Tableau, and Power BI to drive HR strategies and support business decision-making. Mthulisi has a proven track record in developing HR dashboards, conducting workforce trend analysis, and providing actionable insights on employee engagement and organizational effectiveness. He is passionate about transforming complex data sets into clear, strategic insights that enhance organizational outcomes. Holding a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics, an MSc in Big Data Analytics, and certificates in Data Science and HR Analytics, Mthulisi remains at the forefront of technological advancements in data analytics. He has led notable projects, including designing HR analytics dashboards, conducting statistical analysis, and developing predictive models for employee churn. Additionally, Mthulisi writes articles on critical HR issues, establishing himself as a thought leader in the HR analytics space. His dedication to leveraging advanced analytics to drive strategic initiatives and enhance organizational effectiveness makes him a valuable asset to any team.

28 Dec 2023
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